This content was published: December 28, 2017. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

High school counselors attend workshop to help smooth college transition for students

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counselors.This month, the Rock Creek Campus welcomed 65 Hillsboro School District counselors to a half-day program intended to update them and their schools on the programs, resources and services available to students who want to attend college. Speaking with the group was Campus President Sandra Fowler-Hill, Hillsboro School District Superintendent Mike Scott, and a student panel with representatives from the Early College High School and Future Connect programs.

Counselors from all Hillsboro elementary, middle and high schools toured and participated in information sessions across the campus. Approximately 100 counselors from the Beaverton School District participated in a similar event offered in September.

“Knowing that elementary school-age children are now exploring career and post-secondary education options, this event provides us with an opportunity to collaborate with school counselors at all grade-levels,” said Heidi Edwards, coordinator of Student Outreach and Orientation at Rock Creek. “We are fortunate to partner with our school counselors to provide them with resources and information to help guide students and families to the opportunities we offer here at PCC. These events also help us understand how their career and college pathways and curriculum align with the work we do at the college and how we can support K-12 efforts to get kids excited about their future.”

  • counselors.

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