This content was published: February 19, 2019. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Student-focused tuition and budget forum, and resource fair, set for Monday, Feb. 25

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Rock Creek student tackles her homework.

Are you a student with questions about the budget shortfall being faced by PCC and other Oregon community colleges? Are you concerned about the rising cost of higher education? If so, consider joining President Mitsui and other PCC administrators when they host an informal gathering to talk about the budget and tuition rates on Monday, Feb. 25 at the Sylvania Campus, in Conference Rooms A&B in the College Center building.

The forum discussion will begin at 1 p.m. – and complimentary pizza is included, so come with an appetite!

The forum will be followed by a resource fair from 2-3 p.m., with informational tables staffed by those from the PCC Foundation, Financial Aid and Veterans Services, and other divisions.

All students are welcome – and if you can’t make the forum in person, consider participating via live stream!

Visit:, or call (669) 900-6833, then input meeting I.D. #156-891-638.

In the event of any questions or for additional details, contact Kate Chester at x8233 or, or Sarah Rose Evans at x4378 or