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PCC’s Earth Week welcomes City Commish JoAnn Hardesty as keynote speaker

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Portland City Commissioner JoAnn Hardesty will headline a weeklong series of events, speakers, art displays, workshops, activism, and more as Portland Community College hosts its annual celebration of Earth Week from April 22-27.Joaan hardesty in front of some art.

Hardesty will speak on a range of environmental and social justice issues – including the Portland Clean Energy Fund, which she helped create – at 11 a.m., Monday, April 22, in the Student Union Lounge, Cascade Campus. Hardesty’s presentation will be followed by a free screening of “A Plastic Ocean,” a documentary film about the growing problem of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. The theme of plastic will take center stage throughout the week, as each of the college’s four campuses will host tabling sessions, film screenings, and petition signings focused on cutting out plastic pollution at PCC and in the larger community.

Hardesty’s appearance is one of many highlights of PCC’s annual observance of Earth Week. The Southeast Campus will host a Jade District Air Quality Community Art Workshop from 1-3 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, in Mt. Tabor Hall. The workshop will feature local placemaking artist, Daniel Granias, who will lead an interactive discussion and community art workshop focusing on air quality and diesel pollution. Granias is visiting different schools and community organizations in the Jade District of Southeast Portland to create a community placemaking art piece. Participants will contribute to a tapestry, incorporating up-cycled materials such as plastic bags, disposable face masks, and other pollution-related disposable objects that can be combined with the results of other workshops to create a work of community art.

The Rock Creek Campus is hosting a “Green Monday” diet workshop from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday, April 22, Farm Cafe, Building 5, in which participants are invited to discover the many benefits of plant-based diets, sample yummy vegan food, and learn about resources to help you integrate more plant-based meals into your diet. The campus will also offer tours of its solar power array from 12:30-1:30 p.m., Thursday, April 25. Participants are encouraged to gather 10 minutes before the tour starts in front of Building 5.Danial Granias

At the Sylvania Campus, students and staff will host a Plant Sale and Seed Swap from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, in the Upper CC Mall, featuring vegetable starts for home gardens. A variety of veggies will be available including tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini, cucumber, rosemary, dill, and many more.

Combo packs of plants will also be available, specifically made for growing everything you need to make a delicious salsa, savory soup, or a healthy pizza.

Cascade will also celebrate the long-awaited opening of its learning garden during Earth Week. The garden, which will be officially inaugurated at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 24, campus quad, will serve as a resource for Cascade’s science programs, as well as simply a contemplative place to find respite from a busy day. The community is invited to join in the celebration by helping to plant native plants and install an irrigation system from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tools, gloves, and guidance will be provided.

PCC’s Earth Week celebration is organized by the Associated Students of Portland Community College.