This content was published: May 27, 2022. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC proposes bond construction measure for this November ballot

Story and Photos By PCC Communications.

The Portland Community College Board of Directors have approved the college’s request to place a bond measure on the November ballot.?PCC is proposing a $450 million bond that would support further access to education and better training for industry workers.?The bond, if approved, would:

  • Update technology and equipment to provide students with modern higher education and job training opportunities.
  • Upgrade classrooms and technology to provide more options for hybrid learning so students have the flexibility to balance school with transportation challenges, job schedules and family responsibilities.
  • Expand access to education for people living with disabilities.
  • Increase facility life span and efficiency through heating and cooling upgrades, and updated ventilation, plumbing and electrical.

Stay tuned for more details and the launch of the college’s bond informational website!