This content was published: March 6, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC theatre production explores the lives of Portlanders in ‘Dekalog’

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A Portland Community College theatre production is hitting close to home – “Dekalog” is the story of our Portland in 2023.

“Our collective exploration of these ancient values has resulted in a profound and meaningful piece of theatre,” said director Jonathan Walters.Theatre

The Theatre Arts Program is performing ”Dekalog,” which is set in contemporary Portland. This original, new performance is loosely based on an award-winning series of short films. The play tells the stories of apartment residents’ lives as they become subtly intertwined, facing emotional dilemmas that are at once deeply personal and universally human. Each story draws from one of the Ten Commandments for thematic inspiration as the residents grapple deftly with complex moral and existential questions concerning life, death, love, hate, truth, and the passage of time.

All performances at the Sylvania Performing Arts Center run Thursday, March 9 through Sunday, March 12; curtain at 7 p.m., except Sunday’s closing matinee at 2p.m. However, the Thursday opening matinee is at 11 a.m. and is “pay as you wish.” As for accommodations, Friday’s performance will be audio-described for people who are blind or low-vision, whereas Saturday’s performance includes American Sign Language interpretation.

Content is generally suitable for ages 12 and up as it features adult themes, with a running time of two and a half hours, which includes a 10-minute intermission. Tickets are $10 General Admission; $5 All Students, Seniors, Veterans, and PCC Staff; cash or check only. No reservations are required but for large group reservations call 971-722-4323. The PCC Performing Arts Center is located on the Sylvania Campus.

See? “Dekalog” or call 971-722-4323 for more information.

About Misty Bouse

A Portland Community College public relations specialist, Misty Bouse has been working in college advancement for a decade. A graduate of University of Oregon, Misty has worked as a managing editor for BUILDERNews Magazine and as a contribu... more »