This content was published: June 27, 2012. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Rock Creek construction, tree removal to begin

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During the next few days the beginning phases of the long-anticipated Building 7 remodel will start at the Rock Creek Campus. Safety fences, gravel pathways and?tree?removal?will be among the first steps in this process. Nine?trees?have been identified for?removal. Rock Creek’s General contractor Fortis Construction is in contact with members of the Art Department and with Building Construction Technology Program to see that all reasonable efforts are made to salvage and recycle all usable lumber. New?trees?will be planted around Building 7 as soon as the weather and construction traffic allows.

Tree?removal?can be difficult, but of the nine?trees?that are to be?cut down, one is diseased and the others are so close to the building that?removing?them for construction expansion is the only option. For more planning and construction news, visit PCC’s Bond Website.

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x by John R Boozer 1 decade ago

I am currently a student at PCC. I am also a sales rep for a lagitamate and licenced tree service. My question is: How do I get to bid on the tree jobs for PCC?
John R Boozer

x by janis nichols 1 decade ago

John–The trees identified for removal are now down. Fortis Construction has the lead on this entire project so going forward, you might just want to add your name to a list of folks they might call on at a later date.

x by Janis Nichols 1 decade ago

The construction project at Rock Creek campus involved the removal of nine trees–most of them on the small side. They are now down and our art department is working to recycle as much of the wood as possible. At this time, there are no additional trees scheduled for removal.

x by Stump Removal Stockport 1 decade ago

I will keep you and everybody intrested posted