This content was published: February 27, 2004. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Music students to perform classical, jazz recitals

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SYLVANIA CAMPUS – Students from the Portland Community College Music program at the Sylvania Campus will present two student recitals in March.The music recitals are at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 16 in the Performing Arts Center at the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave. The recitals are free and open to the public. The concerts will include both solo and ensemble classical and jazz performers. Students will play works by Mozart, Bonfa, Telemann, Monk, Traditional Klezmer, Haydn, Bach, Vivaldi and more. The performances serve as end-of-term goals for music students, who have spent most of the winter term preparing for the recitals."Our students have worked very hard this term through consistent rehearsals and coaching sessions,"said John Mery, music instructor at the Sylvania Campus. "The recitals give students the opportunity to share their talents and hard work with family, friends and the general public."The recitals will consist of music majors who are enrolled either in the chamber ensemble class (vocal or instrumental), or in applied music lessons. Approximately 20 to 25 students will be participating in each recital."Our students this year are among the best we have had during my career at PCC,"Mery said. "I am excited for the opportunity to share our work with the local community in these free concerts."For more information, contact Mery at 503-977-4759, or

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »