This content was published: June 7, 2013. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

In May, media showcase PCC’s bond work and Career Pathways

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Did you catch Algie Gatewood’s executive profile in the Portland Business Journal? The Cascade Campus president was front and center in the May 31 edition, which highlighted his philosophies and background. His profile was part of a very busy May for media stories about the college.

Bond Program projects were in the news during the month of May. The Daily Journal of Commerce showcased Sylvania Health and Technology Pool Renovation as a top project for 2013. Also, the DJC spotlighted TS Construction Management’s renovation of 3,800 square feet of space at the Sylvania Campus’ Technology Classroom Building.

Bank of America’s tuition assistance for students in the Career Pathways Program was featured in the Portland Business Journal on May 24 and in The Oregonian on May 14. Earlier in the month, the bank announced a $15,000 donation to the PCC Foundation to support partial tuition for 15 students in Career Pathways.

And an inspiring story, “From curb to college to … Congress?” appeared in the Portland Tribune on May 23 detailed PCC legislative intern Patrick Stupfel’s route to college and beyond. After dropping out of high school, Stupfel worked his way back to get his diploma, and now is a model student at Portland Community College and a youth activist at City Hall.

Top Stories in May

  1. Career Pathways receives additional investment from Bank of America (1,245 hits)
  2. Founders’ Week offers up spirit, advocacy and tributes May 13-18? (1,193)
  3. PCC selects five 2013 Diamond Alum Award winners (1,146)
  4. PCC’s Art Beat features some sweet attractions and interactions (1,049)
  5. Q & A: Preston Pulliams looks back at his nine years steering PCC (932)

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »