This content was published: April 21, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC unmasks ‘The Real Inspector Hound’ this May

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PCC’s Theatre Arts Program presents Tom Stoppard’s “The Real Inspector Hound.” Come and experience Stoppard’s riotous parody of old-fashioned mystery thriller theatre. Imagine Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None” meets the game of Clue, all in a larger than life characters.

Poster for "The Real Inspector Hound."

Poster for “The Real Inspector Hound.”

Critics Moon and Birdboot are called to review a new theatrical thriller, but the oddball characters and hilariously bizarre plot don’t add up. As the dead bodies pile up, the line between the play and reality start to blur, and the mystery deepens until the critical details are revealed. You’ll never believe who is revealed to be…The Real Inspector Hound!

Stoppard delivers hilarious parodies of well-known mystery characters (The love-lorn heiress widow, the handsome cunning stranger, the young beautiful ingénue, the missing husband’s leering brother… with gut-busting language in Stoppard’s inimitable style, nothing is sacred, and everything in the theatre is ripe for witty criticism.

Performance dates:??

  • 7:30 p.m., Friday,?May 2, and Saturday May 3.
  • 11 a.m., Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9 (“Pay what you will”).
  • 7:30 p.m., Saturday,?May 10.
  • 2 p.m., Sunday, May 11.

Tickets will be available at the door for each performance, general admission seating, no advanced reservations are necessary. Tickets are $10 for the general public, and $8 for all students, seniors and PCC Staff. The running time is roughly 80 minutes.

Lighting deigned by Ben Keller, scenic design by Dan Hays, costume design by Ashley Smith and direction by Patrick Tangredi. The play stars Aidan Nolan, Todd Thomas, Mel Oegema, Ginger Clark, Craig Umhoefer, Zed Jones, Marcos Tunes and Shannon Cluphf. The production is stage managed by Dani Bash and Sean Fitzgerald.

For further information contact Patrick Tangredi (971) 722-4323, or email

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by The Bridge : Sylvania: “The Real Inspector Hound” thriller-comedy theatre 1 decade ago

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