This content was published: July 2, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC in the NEWS: Preston Pulliams' editorial on green programs featured in national newspaper

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Here is a look at some of the news stories about PCC from around the local area and the nation in June. In total, PCC events and people appeared 50 times in the local community or national online media, newspapers or TV/radio.

June 1, Community College Week published Preston Pulliams’ opinion article about all that PCC is doing in the realm of sustainability and green technology programs.

June 3, the Portland Observer featured the 2009 graduation speakers and PCC’s Patron awards.

June 15, Community College Week ranked PCC 41st in the nation in associate degrees, 35th to non-minority students and 26th in liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities degrees. It is based on preliminary 2007-08 data.

June 15, the Community College Week featured PCC students in an article about the unemployed turning to education to retrain.

June 22, Vanderbilt University’s News Service reported on former PCC employee August Washington being named police chief of the institution.

June 25, The Portland Tribune quoted Tom Lowles about how more small businesses are turning to the SBDC for assistance.

June 25, The Oregonian profiled a business owner who went through the college’s landscape technology program.

June 26, the Hillsboro Argus and the Forest Grove News-Times showcased the two Latina students who traveled to D.C. for a leadership conference.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »