This content was published: January 16, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC hads Web page to focus on 2009 Legislature

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Can’t make it to Salem on a daily basis to see your elected officials carry out their business in the people’s Capitol?

No worries: will bring the news to you.

The Portland Community College Public Affairs office, in conjunction with Technology Solution Services, has unveiled the new Web page to coincide with the first week of the 2009 Legislature, which opened Monday, Jan. 12, with Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s biennial State of the State speech.

The Web page includes links to the governor’s office, the Legislature, schedules for House, Senate and joint committees and links to the state Web pages of three legislators: Reps. Larry Galizio and Michael Dembrow, and Sen. Margaret Carter. Galizio teaches speech at the Sylvania Campus; Dembrow teaches English at the Cascade Campus and Carter is a former adviser at Cascade. The Skill Center there is named in her honor.

More legislative links will be added in the coming weeks.

Dana Haynes, public affairs manager for PCC, also will be blogging daily from the Capitol. Haynes formerly served as a writer, columnist and bureau chief for the Capitol Bureau of the Statesman Journal newspaper in Salem. He covered the Oregon Legislature for 20 years at both weekly and daily newspapers.

“What happens in the Capitol is both really important, and really interesting,” Haynes said. “But people get overwhelmed by politics. They think it’s either over their heads, hopelessly corrupt or relentlessly incompetent. And in Oregon, none of that is true.”

Feedback on the legislative page can be sent to

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »