This content was published: February 21, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Hitting the Road to Splitsville

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PORTLAND – They say half of marriages end in divorce. But Divorce Recovery, a six-week course beginning April 3 at Lincoln High School shows a constructive detour around the bitter loneliness and self-pity often found on the road from Splitsville.

A "hands-on" course, the Thursday evening class led by instructor Joseph E. Kurtwright is designed to encourage personal growth and development out of the pain and suffering of divorce or broken relationships.

Tuition is $30. The class meets from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 234, Thursdays through May 8. Lincoln High School is located at 1600 SW Salmon Street. Call Portland Community College at 614-7308 for more information.