This content was published: February 28, 1997. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Celebrates Women's History Month in March

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Portland Community College will celebrate Women’s History Month with events throughout the month of March.

Most events will be held at the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave. Here is the program.

The Unconquered: Women in Today’s Cuba

Wed., March 5, noon, ST Bldg., Rm. 308

Jordana Sordano is Portland branch organizer of Radical Women, a socialist feminist organization. She visited Cuba recently as part of a delegation hosted by the Federation of Cuban Women to learn about the impact of the U.S. government’s economic blockade on the Cuban people, especially women and children. Jordana will speak about the gains women made after the revolution, the current hardships affecting the lives of Cubans and their children, and what can be done to impact the lives of Cuban citizens.

"Girls’ Town"

Friday, March 7, 7 p.m., CT Bldg., Little Theater

This is an exclusive Portland showing of a unique story which won a Filmmakers Trophy Special Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival. It was written by 21-year-old Lili Taylor and directed by 24-year-old Jim McKay. Three young women grapple with the loss of a friend and in the process gain a sense of their own voices and the impact they can have on their world. A discussion led by members of SPIRIT (Sisters in Portland Impacting Real Issues Together), a multi-cultural group of teen women, will follow. The group will share information about their work in the Portland Public Schools and the North/Northeast Portland community educating teens about dating violence.

Beyond Borders

Tuesday, March 11, 11 a.m. to 12:20 p.m., SS Bldg., Rm. 102

Attorney Judith Armatta and anthropologist Suzanne Hanchett will talk about their work with women, both locally and internationally. The two women are feminist activists who attended the International Women’s Conference in Beijing, China, in 1995. Armatta helped start the first shelter for battered women in Russia. Hanchett will speak about her work as an international consultant and a recent trip to the Sudan to work with a women’s health center.

Women’s Health Forum

Wed. March 12, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Amo De Bernardis College Center, Upper Mall

Representatives of local women’s health organizations will address such topics as sexuality, breast and cervical cancer, contraception, sexually-transmitted diseases, abortion, stress, nutrition, menopause, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, eating disorders, pregnancy and prenatal care. They will answer questions, and educational materials and resources will be available. Workshops will take place in the Pine Room, College Center, on these topics: Abortion Rights (11 a.m.), Date Rape and Self Defense (noon), Menopause (1 p.m.), and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (2 p.m.).

Becoming an Activist for Women’s Rights

Thursday, March 13, 9:30 to 11 a.m., ST Bldg., Rm. 234

Amara Perez will talk about programs to build power with low-income women, women of color and girls. The programs were developed by SPIRIT. Perez is program coordinator for the group; she will describe the agency’s campaigns to empower teen women and work against violence to women and for welfare reform.

"Straw Into Gold"

Monday, March 31, 1 to 2 p.m., Bldg 3 Forum

PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 N.W. Springville Rd.

This trio of Portland women are classically trained musicians; they will sing of home, friends, farming, weaving and spirituality. The group has two recordings and has appeared throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Two ongoing exhibits will be held at the Sylvania Campus during the month:

Today’s Girls, Tomorrow’s Women: A Perilous Path, is a UNICEF photo exhibit depicting the present lives of girls from around the world, and what the future may hold for them. The exhibit will be on display from March 3 to 17 in the upper mall of the Amo De Bernardis College Center.

Status of Women Globally is an interactive exhibit to be displayed in the HT, CT and CC Buildings at the campus. Each station will present information about the status of women in different countries around the world – including the challenges they face in maintaining basic human rights. The exhibits will allow viewers to participate in brainstorming solutions to the problems faced by women around the globe.

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For more information, contact Deborah Evind at 977-8101, or Kim Warren at 614-7335.