This content was published: November 14, 2006. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Launchs 2007 Giving Campaign

Photos and story by

Thankfully, the natural disasters of last year have not been visited upon us this year. PCC and the Portland area, in numerous ways, responded generously to help meet those needs. But local needs remain acute. We know that social services, whether public or private, remain stretched beyond limits. We know that basic needs for food and shelter go unmet for thousands of Oregon’s citizens, every day. We see and hear daily that so many things that we enjoy as PCC employees are out of reach for so many others. Closer to our PCC home, we see how students struggle to balance many demands in their quest for education. More and more people have become vulnerable in Oregon’s difficult times of the recent past.

PCC receives great support from the community we serve. We have only to look around to see how fortunate we are. We are all grateful to our community for the things we are able to enjoy. Our community, in so many ways, now needs our help. We can be assured that any help we as individuals can provide will be gratefully received.

We will have the opportunity to support the following agencies. One of the key criteria for each is that a high percentage of funds raised goes directly to providing services.

American Red Cross

Black United Fund of Oregon

Children’s Trust Fund of Oregon

Oregon Food Bank

United Way of the Columbia-Willamette

PCC Foundation

YWCA of Greater Portland

And please don’t forget: deductions pledged last year will stop after the December payroll. Pledges that we make for 2007 will begin with the January payroll. Questions about the Campaign can be directed to Nancy Cloud in Human Resources at 503-978-5850.

Thank you!!