This content was published: February 10, 2021. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC needs your voice for Virtual Day at the Capitol

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Are you interested in politics? Do you want to meet your elected officials and their teams in Salem? Do you value your experience at PCC? Do you want to make it better for yourself and those who come after? Do you want to help the college – and its sister colleges across Oregon – to better serve their students and communities?Group photo at capitol

If your answer to these questions is “Yes,” then Portland Community College needs you to be a part of its “Virtual Day at the Capitol,” coming up on Tuesday, March 9. This is your opportunity to speak directly to the people who represent you in the state Legislature about your experience at PCC, and about how Oregon’s community colleges can act more effectively in their capacity as higher education institutions, community resources, and engines of Oregon’s economic development.

In more typical times, PCC’s Day at the Capitol would take place in Salem, with face-to-face meetings with legislators and their staffs. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, however, this year’s “Day at the Capitol” will take place remotely, via Zoom. As a member of the delegation, you’ll be asked to commit to a one-hour training session at 8:30 a.m. on the morning of March 9, followed by two 15-minute meetings with legislators over the course of the rest of the day (times TBD).

If you’d like to be a part of this critical effort, register at the “Day at the Capitol” weblink.

The deadline to register is Thursday, Feb. 25.