This content was published: September 25, 2007. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Volunteer bus driver needed

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ASPCC-Cascade needs a person with a license to drive a bus! We are having our annual student $1 Bar-B-Q and Club-Fair next week. ASPCC-CA has been working with the Oregon Bus Project, a progressive non-partisan group, to register voters and raise political awareness amongst students on campus. The Bus itself is the crowd pleaser. Right now the Oregon Bus Project is short on drivers, and ASPCC Cascade can’t get the bus to the Bar-B-Q with out the a driver! Here’s where you can help, if you have a CDL license, or know someone who does, please contact Marissa Johnson at or 503-978-5018.

We only need to get the bus from SE 2nd St. to Cascade Campus and back on Wed. Oct. 3rd.