This content was published: November 3, 2021. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Hayes chosen as one of 10 NAFSA RISE Fellows for 2022-23

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A Portland Community College staffer is in rare company.

Tiff Hayes, Portland Community College’s International Student Life coordinator, has been selected to participate in the 2022-2023 National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA) Representation, Inclusion, Support and Empowerment (RISE) Fellowship – just one of 10 selected nationwide from 140 applicants.

Tiff Hayes

Tiff Hayes.

For the first year, she will take part in the NAFSA Academy for International Education where she’ll receive personalized coaching from a seasoned international educator, gain knowledge and skills to prepare her to serve as an international education resource and expand her network. In the second year of the fellowship, Hayes will join a RISE Fellows cohort and put her learning into practice at PCC and the community.

“I’m extremely excited about being selected for the NAFSA RISE Fellowship,” Hayes said. “It’s an honor to represent PCC on a national level, and to have the opportunity to collaborate with other underrepresented professionals in international education. The individualized professional development I’ll receive as a fellow will grow my leadership skills and my ability to support, empower, and uplift the work of marginalized PCC colleagues, students, and community members. I look forward to applying the knowledge and experience I gain to my role at PCC, my career, and the higher education community.”

Hayes has worked in higher education for 13 years, with the last six in international education. In her current role, she leads the International Student Life Team in coordinating orientation and transition programs, overseeing student-centered leadership and mentor programs, and providing leadership for activities and events. She also serves on PCC’S Internationalization Steering Committee, Queer/Trans/Gender Diverse Steering Action Group, and the President’s Preferred Future Council.

Hayes holds an associate degree from Green River College, a bachelor’s degree in communication and event planning from Western Washington University, and a master’s in student development administration from Seattle University.

The fellowship is the organization’s new flagship diversity, equity and inclusion program and aims to provide representation of international education professionals from underrepresented minority backgrounds.

About James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic... more »

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x by Max Macias 2 years ago

Congratulations Tiff!

x by Alycia Kearns 2 years ago

Congrats, Tiff!!! What a well-deserved and amazing opportunity.