This content was published: December 31, 2009. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Sylvania geography student maps course to national conference

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Sylvania geography student Aaron Minoo earned a scholarship for community college students by the Association of American Geographers to attend its annual conference in Washington, DC, during the month of April. The scholarship provides Minoo with free admittance to the conference and all events throughout the week; a $500 travel stipend for airfare, room and board; and annual membership to the organization.

Aaron Minoo, geography student

“Why wouldn’t I go after a scholarship like this? Someone has to win; it’s an opportunity I couldn’t pass up,” said Minoo, now in his second year at PCC.

Minoo is dual-enrolled at Oregon State University, where he hopes to pursue his doctorate in ecosystem informatics. He’s currently mastering mapping software in Christina Friedle’s class that enables the user to assess data, create maps and analyze space.

“This is the premier Geography association in the country,” said Friedle, who encouraged all of her students to apply. “Aaron couldn’t have landed a better event to attend – and I’m very proud of his initiative at applying. He’s a real go-getter.”

What really excites Minoo about the conference is the keynote speaker –Jane Goodall, known throughout the world for her landmark, award-winning research on chimpanzees in Tanzania beginning in the 1960s. Upon receiving the Atlas Award, she will present to a gathering of more than 7,000 geographers from around the world attending the conference.

“How often do you get the chance to hear Jane Goodall speak?” said Minoo. “It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.”

For more information about the conference, visit