Heidi Edwards

Contact info: hedwards@pcc.edu

Articles (114):

Paris study abroad coffee hour hosted at Rock Creek
Please join us for a special coffee hour to discuss studying abroad in Paris, France Spring term 2008! Two very […] Posted October 4, 2007
Plastic recycling roundup goes to Sylvania
On Saturday, October 6, 2007, from 9am to 2pm there will be a FREE Master Recycler Plastic Roundup at two […] Posted October 3, 2007
Register for PSU classes at RC
Interested in taking upper division Portland State University Courses? PSU has room in USP 429 "Poverty in Urban Communities", which […] Posted September 25, 2007
Volunteer bus driver needed
ASPCC-Cascade needs a person with a license to drive a bus! We are having our annual student $1 Bar-B-Q and […] Posted September 25, 2007
Music program hosts orientation at Sylvania
Curious about PCC’s Music Program? Want to know how you can sign up for private music lessons? What are music […] Posted September 13, 2007
PSU at Cascade and Rock Creek
Did you know that PCC students can complete a PSU Bachelor’s degree in Social Science or Liberal Studies at PCC […] Posted August 13, 2007
High tech training for non-native English speakers starts this fall
PCC’s CAPITAL Career Center is currently recruiting non-native English speaking students for their Entry-Level High Tech Skills Training. PCC and […] Posted July 27, 2007
Conversation partners wanted
The Student Success Center is looking for non-native English speaking students who would like to enhance their pronunciation and conversation […] Posted June 28, 2007
Rock Creek honors Best Essay Prize winners
Congratulations to the Rock Creek Writing Center’s Best Essay Prize winners for Spring 2007. FIRST PLACE Travis Meharry for "Baghdad […] Posted June 26, 2007
PCC’s new online newsletter
Watch out New York Review of Books—there’s a new review in town! The Sylvania Review, a literary newsletter of Sylvania’s […] Posted June 14, 2007