
blooming buds Arbor Month Takes Root at PCC
To celebrate Oregon Arbor Month, the college's tree advocates have planned a special tree planting at?2 p.m., Thursday, April 25 at the Rock Creek Campus (behind hangar) Posted April 22, 2024
Sustainable Spring: PCC's Earth Week Begins
PCC's green festivities are set for April 20-26 at all campuses and include recalling fairs, clothing swaps, garden tours, pollinator art walks and more! Posted April 18, 2024
closeup of hands planting tree Reconnecting With The Land
A $167,000 Metro Grant is helping to improve trail accessibility, provide space for gathering and art, and support first food gardens at the Rock Creek Campus Posted April 11, 2024
Left to right, Kien Truong, PCC Board Member; Sherrelle Jackson, Oregon Dept of Human Services District Manager; Susheela Jayapal, Multnomah County Commissioner; Dr. Adrien Bennings, PCC President (with scissors); Tiffani Penson, PCC Board Chair; and Rob Wagner, State Senator. New Center A Shining Example of Opportunity
Local community leaders hailed the PCC bond-funded redevelopment as a key services hub for Northeast Portland Posted October 31, 2023
College Banners Find New Life as Cool Swag
The collaboration between PCC's Sustainability, Student Life & 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网, and Marketing departments salvaged nearly 900 square feet of material for reuse with Ecologic Designs Posted May 23, 2023
Students Win Pitch Fest at Sustainability Conference
PCC students beat out other colleges at the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference's pitch fest held at Oregon State University Posted April 13, 2023
Oregon Shines Community Event Solar Projects Supporting Student Scholarships
For February, Oregon Shines will make a $25 donation to a PCC renewable energy scholarship when a person signs up to the Oregon Community Solar Program Posted February 2, 2023
E-transit van College Debuts Special Delivery Van
A collaborative effort between Central Distribution Services, P&CC, Marketing and Sustainability yielded first e-transit van Posted January 4, 2023
HT Sylvania Campus Work Shaping Up
Construction crews continue to shape the historical structure into a high-tech learning space Posted October 25, 2022
Steph Fregosi charging car. College is Getting Charged For the Future
PCC has installed chargers for electric vehicles to accompany new facilities all across the college district Posted October 18, 2022