This content was published: May 3, 2021. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Oregon Distance Learning Completion Conference

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I know, just what you need, another professional development opportunity, right? I understand, it’s the end of the year and we’re feeling fried, but take a look. This “mini-conference” is very doable, only 3 hours. It is open to all faculty/staff involved with online or remote learning. Many of you attended in previous years. Registration is free, and there’s a stipend for PT faculty. This is a great time to connect with colleagues across the state as we reflect on the academic year.

OCCDLA Distance Learning Completion Conference
June 4, 9:00 – 12:00

(OCCDLA = Oregon Community College Distance Learning Association)

This entirely online conference will feature:

  • A keynote address from Maritez Apigo, Distance Education and OER coordinator and English faculty at Contra Costa College in California, focused on designing engaging asynchronous student-to-student interaction in courses.?Read more of Professor Apigo’s work.
  • Two sessions of breakout discussions, including Q&A with Professor Apigo, facilitated discussion about best practices in online engagement, and time to reflect with colleagues from around the state about what we’ve learned (and learned to avoid) in the last year.

All faculty and staff at Oregon community colleges involved with online learning are encouraged to attend, and registration is?free. A?stipend?is available for part-time faculty who attend.

About Greg Kaminski

Online Learning: online course design consultant, coordinator of Online Faculty Mentors, Quality Matters facilitator, interactive teaching practices enthusiast. more »