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January 2022 Highlights

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D2L Brightspace updates for Thursday, January 27, 2022.Cat reading a document

This month’s updates for D2l Brightspace Include:

  • Browsers – List of supported browsers | Updated
  • Brightspace Pulse – Subscription notifications for Discussions | Updated
  • Calendar – Improvements to Date and Time Selection Web Components | Updated
  • Course Import/Export – Logging improvements | New
  • Discussions – Scoring Rubric drop-down for evaluations ?| New

Browsers – List of supported browsers | Updated

With this release, Brightspace Learning Environment’s browser version check now displays warnings for browsers earlier than the following versions:

  • Chrome 93?(released in August 2021)
  • Safari 13?(released in September?2019)
  • Firefox 91?(released in August 2021)
  • Edge 93?(released in August 2021)

You can access Brightspace Learning Environment with older versions of our supported browsers; however, D2L does not test Brightspace Learning Environment against these older versions. This means you may encounter unexpected user interface behavior and appearance?or broken and unsupported functionality. In most cases, D2L does not fix software defects experienced in unsupported browser versions. For an optimal experience that offers better performance, accessibility, and security, D2L strongly recommends that all users access Brightspace Learning Environment with the latest version of a supported browser.

Brightspace Pulse – Subscription notifications for Discussions | Updated

With this release, subscription notifications in Brightspace Pulse are now consistent with subscription notifications in Brightspace Learning Environment. From the Notifications > Subscriptions tab in Brightspace Pulse, learners now receive all replies to discussions they are subscribed to and @-mentions in discussion threads. Previously, the subscription notifications that learners received in Brightspace Pulse were inconsistent with the subscription notifications that they received in Brightspace Learning Environment.

Calendar – Improvements to Date and Time Selection Web Components | Updated

Building upon the Calendar – Improvements To Date And Time Selection Web Components | Updated feature released in March 2021/20.21.3, this release updates the date and time picker in Brightspace Learning Environment to include the following usability changes:

  • The Set to Today button is renamed to?Today. The Today button continues to set the date and the time based on the context. For example, choosing Today for an End Date sets the current date and sets the time to 11:59 PM.
  • Added a Now button that?sets the current date and time. The Today and?Now?buttons only appear?when a date and time are required. When only a date is required, only the Today button appears and functions the same as the Now button.

The Today, Now, and Clear buttons are center-aligned in the date and time picker.

The new date and time picker in Brightspace Learning Environment

The new date and time picker in Brightspace Learning Environment

The previous date and time picker in Brightspace Learning Environment

The previous date and time picker in Brightspace Learning Environment

Course Import/Export – Logging improvements | New

To simplify user access to import/export logs, the Course Import/Export tool now includes import/export logs as part of the Course Import/Export History, which include navigation breadcrumbs. In addition, the logs display the results in the order of import/export operations. Previously, import/export logs opened in a new tab and displayed the results out of order, without navigation breadcrumbs.

The new import log in the Course Import/Export tool

The new import log in the Course Import/Export tool

The previous import log in the Course Import/Export tool

The previous import log in the Course Import/Export tool

Discussions – Scoring Rubric drop-down for evaluations ?| New

To make the Discussion evaluation consistent with the Assignments evaluation, this feature adds the Grading Rubric drop-down to the sidebar menu. This allows the instructor to choose a grading rubric when evaluating a discussion.

If a normal topic assessment with Points/Custom Points-based rubric is selected, this rubric is the one whose score transfers to the Overall Grade field. The score transfer does not occur if Allow assessment of individual posts or a Percentage rubric is selected.

The new Discussions evaluation with the Grading Rubric drop-down.

The new Discussions evaluation with the Grading Rubric drop-down.

The previous Discussions evaluation without the Grading Rubric drop-down.

The previous Discussions evaluation without the Grading Rubric drop-down.

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PCC offers this limited open forum as an extension of the respectful, well-reasoned discourse we expect in our classroom discussions. As such, we welcome all viewpoints, but monitor comments to be sure they stick to the topic and contribute to the conversation. We will remove them if they contain or link to abusive material, personal attacks, profanity, off-topic items, or spam. This is the same behavior we require in our hallways and classrooms. Our online spaces are no different.