Adoption requests

Instructional Design Team mission

To design and produce equitable, inclusive, and engaging online courses that promote the academic and professional success of every PCC student.

What is a course adoption?

A course adoption is when an instructor is given a recommended shareable online course shell to use for a course they have not taught asynchronously online before. These instructors must be trained online instructors who have completed PCC’s Online Instructor training and any required Refresher training (every three years).

All courses taught online are expected to be taught by trained online instructors and use an approved quality reviewed online course shell. While requests can be made to adopt an unapproved course for adoption, the Program Dean will have to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) assuming the responsibility for the quality of the course design, instructor course delivery, and all the associated risks for College, State, and Federal compliance.

Request a course adoption

Faculty Department Chairs (FDCs) and Program Deans can request shareable online courses for adoption (formerly called takeover). A complete list of courses that are shareable can be accessed using the online course development report (FDC and Dean access only).
Adoption intake form

“Requires PCC Login & Verification”

Adoption process

Online Learning recommends that adoption requests are made at least one term in advance whenever possible to ensure the faculty member receives the maximum amount of support and the most updated course shell available.

Adoption Course


Preparing a course to be taught is considered part of regular instructor workload. Therefore, time spent making updates and changes to the adoption shell is not compensated.