Course design for online delivery

Instructional Design Team mission

To design and produce equitable, inclusive, and engaging online courses that promote the academic and professional success of every PCC student.

What is course design for online delivery?

Designing a course for online delivery involves a comprehensive and intentional process, informed by research, that considers the needs of diverse learners and the effective use of technology through clear course objectives and alignment, accessible design, and engaging content. It is built upon the foundational understanding that online delivery is uniquely distinct from other delivery modalities.

Types of projects

  • New 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment: A design and build of an online course that has not been developed by Online Learning.
  • Revision (of an existing online course): A re-design and build of an existing and approved online course.
  • SAC Shell Refresh (of an existing online course): An update to the most current templates, styles, and accessibility standards by OL Staff for an existing online course.

New developments and revisions

New online developments and revisions span 2 terms of active involvement. The development cycles are as follows:

  • Winter/Spring
  • Spring/Summer
  • Summer/Fall
  • Fall/Winter

Requests for new developments and revisions should be submitted by the Program Dean at least 1 year in advance of when the course would need to be taught. Scheduling is dependent on the capacity of the instructional design team. They can take up to 40 developments/revisions per year.? The process is as follows:

Course Design Process

SAC shell refreshes

Refreshes can be requested at any time by a Faculty Department Chair or Program Dean. It is best if the instructional design team has at least one term of advance notice as a refresh can take several weeks. Requests will be prioritized based on team capacity, course condition, and the number of sections impacted.

Please take a look at the Course Refresh Checklist used by our Instructional Design Specialists to know what is involved in a Refresh.


New online course developments and revisions may be compensated by the Online Learning Department or a Program Dean. They are developed under the approval of the Program Dean via a Letter of Agreement and include a course review for design quality and accessibility. In the absence of a specific written agreement, all courses may be shared with others at PCC.

SAC Shell refreshes are completed by Online Learning staff and only require a consultation meeting. They are not compensated.