‘Discover Manufacturing’ class tours one of West Coast’s largest ship repair yards

Opportunity Center Staff

Students outside a Naval shipA group of students in Portland Community College’s exploratory “Discover Manufacturing: Welding” on-ramp class were given a VIP tour of one of the West Coast’s largest shipyards.

Last month, 11 students toured Vigor Industrial at Swan Island shipyard to help show them the rewarding careers that await them in the welding industry. They visited Vigor’s bays and dry dock, PCC’s Swan Island Maritime Welding Training Center, and the U.S. Navy hospital ship “Mercy,” which is docked for repairs. Swan Island is a 60-acre shipyard, making it one of the largest full-service shipyards on the West Coast.

“The students visited Vigor to discover what that kind of manufacturing environment looks like, feels like, and sounds like,” said Ariel Ladum, trainer and education specialist. “It’s an immersive experience that allows them to imagine themselves in a manufacturing career.”

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