Opportunity Center disclosures

Thank you for your interest in participating in our services. To take part in our programming, all participants must complete our intake form. During this process, we will ask you to provide personal information, including personally identifiable information and demographic data.

Please note that:

  • Data collection: We collect this information to comply with the requirements of our funders and Portland Community College (PCC). This information is essential for us to provide you with our services and to report to the Higher Education Commission, as well as state and federal agencies.
  • No-cost services: All of our services are provided at no cost to participants thanks to funding through grants.
  • Funding: Our services are funded through various public and private grants.
  • Service accessibility: If you are unable to provide all of the personal information we request during the intake process, you will not be denied services, but we will not be able to accurately report on our services and future funding may be impacted which may result in reduced services.
  • Consent to contact: By providing your telephone number and email during registration, you give us consent to contact you using these methods.
  • Disability Services: Please visit the Disability Services website to learn about accommodations and services available to our students who experience disability.
  • Contact information: If you have any questions about the specific information we collect, please contact your instructor or email us at ccptinfo@pcc.edu.

PCC students are also subject to all college policies.