Steps to Success (TANF services) at the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue

The following programs are available only for individuals currently receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

Questions? If you have questions about the TANF programs at the Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue, contact your PCC Career Coach or call 971-722-2000.

English Language Learners

This workshop focuses on employment-focused English language coaching, specialized résumé creation, one-on-one personalized program development, and personalized job development using language translation services as needed.

TANF participant profile: English language learners with an interest in gaining employment skills.

Life Skills

Receive group and one-on-one support as you:

  • Explore career assessments.
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 helpful workplace habits and social skills.
  • Improve skills to build self-esteem and practice positive self-talk.
  • 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 problem-solving, decision-making, time management, budgeting, and parenting skills.
  • Improve your work-life balance.
  • Work on effective communication and interpersonal relationships.

TANF participant profile: Limited workplace skills and habits, barriers to daily living and decision making, and obstacles to relationship building.

Job Search Orientation

Learn about job search tools such as Master Application, social media, resume writing, job search motivation, Oregon labor market info, current job listings, resources, referral, and how to complete job logs.

TANF participant profile: Job-ready, current resume, recent work history.

Career Launch

This one-week-long training-based course is specifically designed to prepare participants for job training. Whether you have high school equivalency, an associate’s degree, or higher, Career Launch gives you the tools, assessments, and resources (as well as PCC advisors and staff) to assist in the transition to training. A day on a PCC campus is included for a truly immersive experience!

TANF participant profile: All skill levels interested in training and continuing education.

Internship opportunities

The PCC Steps to Success program provides comprehensive employment readiness and internship placement services for individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) through the Department of Human Services (DHS).

We offer two types of internships: Jobs Plus (paid) and Work Experience (unpaid).

Jobs Plus

Find temporary paid employment in a wide variety of public, private, and not-for-profit workplaces. Jobs Plus interns are full-time (between 30–40 hours per week) and considered temporary workers subject to the same rules and company policies as other staff. Employers who hire through the Jobs Plus program will receive partial reimbursement for the first six months of employment and can hire interns permanently at the end of the assignment.

TANF participant profile: Job-ready but unfruitful job search, needing additional job-related skills.

Work Experience

Find volunteer internship opportunities in a wide variety of public, private, and not-for-profit workplaces. Work Experience offers employers a great opportunity to meet staffing needs. Interns will work part-time (between 5–25 hours per week) in an unpaid position. This is a great opportunity for interns to develop new skills, gain recent work experience, and develop professional references.

TANF participant profile: Limited or no recent work experience, in need of good work reference.

Benefits to employers
  • Pre-screening of interns to match skills and overall suitability to the worksite.
  • Ongoing support and coordination with worksite supervisors and interns.
  • Workers’ compensation coverage for interns during a Work Experience assignment.
  • Reimbursement of a portion of wages for the first six months in a Jobs Plus internship.
  • Interns can be hired for regular positions within an organization with no employment fee.
  • Companies may qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) if the intern is hired.
  • Employers can hire up to 10% of their staff through Jobs Plus.
  • Eligible interns are referred to the program by a DHS Family Coach (Case Manager).

GED? test preparation

In this program, you’ll receive Individualized skill assessment and placement, explore other academic programs, and participate in GED? preparation coursework, tutoring, one on one coaching, and practice exams.

TANF participant profile: All skill levels interested in training and pursuing a general education diploma.

GED? is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education and may not be used without permission. The GED? and GED Testing Service? brands are administered by GED Testing Service LLC under license.

Vocational Training

In this program, you’ll participate in training and continuing education to obtain higher-wage jobs, credentials, and certifications. Program and career exploration, securing funding, internships, apprenticeships, and informational interviews.

TANF participant profile: Beginning-level education.