Using Perkins Funds to Purchase

Guidelines for Purchasing

Step 1: Planning and Thought – Identify the need

With the issue of Improvement/Expansion your Program of Study vs the Supplanting funds the following questions can be used as a guide as you begin to review your needs for each school year.

Can you answer “YES” to the following questions?

  • In the past, the supplies have not been purchased using general funds or other grant funds?
  • Will the supplies be used in a manner that supports the increase in student performance in a CTE Program of Study this year?
  • Will the purchase be used exclusively to help improve technical and/or academic performance of students enrolled in courses associated with CTE Programs of Study?
  • Was the expenditure appropriately identified in the Basic Perkins Grant and budget?
  • Will the purchase meet the “allocable” requirements – All purchasing completed by December 1st and used within the classroom for that school year?

When considering the purchase of Materials and Supplies:

  • All equipment purchased with Perkins funds must be for student use or utilized in instructing students in the classroom. Purchasing equipment solely for teacher use is not allowed.
  • Use of Perkins funds to pay for any expense that was previously paid by the local school district is considered supplanting. This may include: salaries, textbooks, stipends etc.
  • Consumable supplies such as toner cartridges, paper, baking supplies etc. are the responsibility of the local school district.
  • Perkins funds cannot be used to purchase items such as mugs, T-shirts, pencils etc. to promote CTE programs.
  • Textbooks can be ordered with Perkins funds for new courses only, but would have to have very good rationale for this to be a Perkins expense for your program of study. Textbooks for existing CTE courses are the responsibility of the local board of education. (NOTE:? Textbooks are a very hard sell to the Oregon Department of Education.? Please think about class sets of references or resource books.)
  • When considering the purchase of Equipment (Federal regulations define “Equipment” as $5,000.00 or more):
    • Is the equipment necessary to accomplish what is stated in your Program of Study plans and not currently available in the school?
    • Is the equipment purchase necessary for effective instruction in the program area?
    • The Questions and Goals, and Strategies sections of the application must show how the equipment will be integrated into the curriculum.
    • Equipment purchased, in whole or in part, with Perkins funds must not result in any direct financial benefit to any School building, School District, Portland Community College or its employees.

Your purchase may not be made …

  • If funds will be used to upgrade, replace or repair existing equipment.
  • If funds will be used to enhance infrastructure such as wiring, plumbing or construction to a facility.
  • If equipment will be considered a permanent part of the instructional facility such as air conditioners, smoke or exhaust removal systems and other similar fixtures.

(State of Oregon Requirement: A specific, detailed, line-item request for equipment more than $4,999 must be in the annual budget approved by the Oregon Department of Education as a line item equipment purchase prior to the year in which the purchase will be made.)

Step 2: Purchasing Procedures – Identify the need
  • Confirm that the purchase(s) you or your teachers would like to make for the current school year qualifies as an allowable expense and meets the goals of your Programs of Study. Ask Courtney Gaynor, acting CTE Regional Coordinator, for assistance.
  • Have the requesting teacher contact Karin Wriggle, Program Specialist, to have Requisition Request and Non-Supplanting forms sent to you via email.
  • Have the requesting teacher follow the instructions when completing the Requisition Request form and Non-Supplanting form.
  • Have the school principal sign the forms.
  • Scan and email to
  • For Equipment purchases (defined as $5,000 or more): Complete the steps above and…
    • Include shipping costs and copies of any internet or catalog research you conducted for your purchase.
    • Submit three (3) bids with the Requisition Request.


All major purchases must be made by December 1st annually. This is a state requirement. Perkins grant purchases are intended to impact student performance during the year the money is awarded, therefore it is expected that Perkins purchases will be made early in the designated school year and that students will benefit from the purchases during that year.

For the 2024-2025 school year, PACTEC will not be accepting Equipment Purchase REQUESTS beyond 4pm Friday, October 4th.

Some expenditures are ongoing, such as field trips and professional development; for such expenses submit as soon as possible.