Advisory Committee Requirements

CTE Program Advisory Committee for Teachers & Administrators

One of the most common characteristics associated with quality programs in CTE is the strong relationships they have with their industry and post-secondary partners. Local CTE advisory committees are, in many cases, the most effective way to develop and strengthen such partnerships.

What is an Advisory Committee?

It is a group of individuals whose experience and abilities represent a cross section of a particular CTE area. This diverse set of stakeholders come together at least twice a year with the shared goal of preparing students for a future in the CTE area. The CTE Advisory Committee…

  • Reviews and recommends curriculum, career-specific training/credentials/certifications,? and technology to ensure instruction and learning experiences are reflective of industry and pave the way from high school to high-demand, high-wage careers
  • Provides opportunities for extending learning through site visits, mentorships, internships, mock interviews, resume reviews, and feedback on skills
  • Recommends professional development, speakers, conferences, workshops or activities for educators and students
  • Keeps teachers informed of job openings for current or graduating high school students
  • Advises on the development of new CTE courses and/or programs
  • Explores equal access to the CTE program and takes steps to promote participation of traditionally underserved students
  • May donate materials, equipment, and services
  • May support Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)

Who should be part of the Advisory Committee?

Ideally, representation on the committee should reflect the diverse populations within your local community, including people from all genders, as well as racial and ethnic groups. Advisory committees made up of between 8 -14 members work best. Include the following:

  • Industry Members
  • Post-secondary School Representatives
  • PACTEC WBL Coordinator
  • All CTE Teachers in the program of study
  • Current or former students or parents

Sample Advisory Committee Schedule

  • Create a doodle poll of available times/days for the advisory committee meeting and send it out to current members (Email Template)
  • Create an agenda for your meeting (Agenda Template)
  • Send out an invitation and agenda to members with as much notice as possible (Email Template)


Templates for email correspondence and meeting materials have been created for you below. Once the document is open, go to File > Make a Copy to edit information for your needs.

For assistance with advisory committee development, contact Katrina Stein, PACTEC Program Coordinator – Work-Based Learning & Advisory Committees