
Upcoming Programming

Free Food Markets!

Free Food Markets are community events that center fresh produce provided by the Oregon Food Bank. We get large orders of produce from OFB and add in backstock of non-perishable items to distribute to community members. Free Food Market is a one-off event that is scheduled around our campus delivery schedule from the OFB. This event is open to all and there are no limits. No ID is needed to attend, we only ask how many are in their household. We ask that participants bring their own bag or box to transport the food.

Fall Term Free Food Markets
  • Monday, September 30, 12-1:30pm or until the food runs out @ Cascade Campus in SU Lobby
  • Wednesday, October 9, 2- 3:30pm or until the food runs out @ Southeast Campus in MTH Great Hall
  • Monday, October 21, 12-1:30pm or until the food runs out @ Cascade Campus in SU Lobby
  • Wednesday, November 6, 2- 3:30pm or until the food runs out @ Southeast Campus in MTH Great Hall
  • Monday, November 25, 2-3:30pm or until the food runs out @ Sylvania Campus CC Mall Entrance
  • Friday, December 6, 2-4pm or until the food runs out @ Rock Creek Campus in Building 5 Lobby

Interested in participating in the Free Food Markets??Sign up to volunteer!

Questions? Email us at?!

Panther Packs

Panther Packs are grocery bag meal kits that are intended to provide students with a meal or two prior to long closure breaks throughout the academic year. In Fall Term, Panther Packs will be available 5 times made with non-perishable or longer-lasting items. Most weeks, the Panther Packs will be distributed in the Panther Pantries during operating hours as an additional food resource for the week.

Pick them up in the Panther Pantries during the following days:

  • Available October 1-2
  • Available October 15-16
  • Available October 29
  • Available November 19-20
  • Available December 3-4
Tabling Events

Please check back for upcoming tabling events!

Questions? Email us at?

The office of BNSL is pleased to offer accommodations to ensure that our programs are accessible and inclusive. Please email a request, questions, and thoughts to: