MA #1040 Limited Maintenance Electrician JATC

The MA #1040 Metro Limited Maintenance Electrician JATC is registered to train apprentices in three trades: Limited Maintenance Electrician (LME), Stationary Engineer (SE) and the Limited Building Maintenance (LBME). The LME program consists of 4,000 on-the-job training hours and two years of core classes. The SE program consists of 8,000 on-the-job training hours and four years of core classes. The LBME program consists of 2,000 on-the-job training hours and one year of core classes. After the LME or SE program, the apprentice would be eligible to test for their LME license. The LME license allows the holder to repair, replace, and maintain electrical equipment of a type normally found in an industrial plant, commercial office building, or building owned and operated by the state, a local government entity, or institution. Electrical work is limited to 600 volts and less. After LBME program, the apprentice would be eligible to test for their BME license. The BME license allows the holder to maintain, repair, and replace certain electrical installations required on the premises of commercial office buildings, buildings occupied by the state or a local government entity, or facilities designated by the Oregon Electrical and Elevator Board in electrical systems not exceeding 300 volts to ground.? The installation of new electrical equipment is not allowed. LMEs, Stationary Engineers and LBMEs usually work in one location or a complex of buildings under one owner.

The MA #1040 JATC meets six times per year to conduct business. The Committee is governed by a policy document and a State-approved Standard for each trade. Please refer to the Standard for details about each program.

All apprenticeship classes are open enrollment and open to the general public who meet the required prerequisites. However, students are only eligible to seek an apprenticeship degree or to receive a journey card or to sit for a licensing exam upon successful completion of a registered apprenticeship program as administered by a registered JATC. To officially register for and earn hours through the LME and SE apprentice programs, students must be currently employed and sponsored by an approved employer. To officially register for and earn hours through the LBME apprentice program, students must be currently employed sponsored by an approved employer or can apply as an open applicant seeking to be sponsored by an employer. ?Applying as an open applicant this does not guarantee that you will be contacted, interviewed or chosen to be sponsored by a registered training agent.? Please see the How to Apply to be an apprentice page for more information. PCC is not currently able to place students in employment for apprenticeship purposes.

Limited Maintenance Electrician and Stationary Engineers apprentices take a core class every term (fall, winter, spring, summer). For LME apprentices and Stationary Engineer apprentices, Term 1 may begin in fall term or spring term. For LBME apprentices, must begin their Term 1 in fall term and must complete their OSHA 10 and Coyne 1st Aid Safety class before logging any on-the-job training hours. However, an apprentice may begin their program at any term during the year. If an apprentice begins their program in a term when their core class is unavailable they must enroll in an approved elective from the training committee’s list of approved electives.

Booklists for all classes are available through the PCC Cascade Bookstore and may be purchased in person from the bookstore or online from the PCC bookstore or any online retailer.

See a schedule for the current term.

LME Apprentice class schedule

LME Apprentice Class Schedule
Term New course name and number Credits
First year
Term 1 (fall or spring) APR 101: LME: Electrical Theory Fundamentals 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
CEU 3965: Cultural Competency
Term 2 (winter or summer) APR 102: LME: DC Motors 3
Term 3 (spring or fall) APR 103: LME: AC Motors & Transformers 4
ELT 120: OSHA 10 Hour Safety Training 1
Term 4 (summer or winter) APR 104: LME: Luminaires & Equipment 3
Second year
Term 5 (fall or spring) APR 201: Electrical Motor Controls 2
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 6 (winter or summer) APR 202: LME: LME: Electrical Code Level I 4
Term 7 (spring or fall) APR 203: LME: Electrical Code Level II 4
Term 8 (summer or winter) APR 204: LME: Electrical Code Level III 4

SE Apprentice class schedule #1

(if you are starting in the fall term)

Term New course name and number Credits
First year
Term 1 (fall) APR 101: LME: Electrical Theory Fundamentals 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
CEU 3965: Cultural Competency
Term 2 (winter) APR 102: LME: DC Motors 3
Term 3 (spring) APR 103: LME: AC Motors & Transformers 4
ELT 120: OSHA 10 Hour Safety Training 1
Term 4 (summer) APR 104: LME: Luminaires & Equipment 3
Second year
Term 5 (fall) APR 131: Refrigeration I 2
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 6 (winter) APR 132: Refrigeration II 2
Term 7 (spring) APR 133: Refrigeration III 2
Term 8 (summer) APR 201: Electrical Motor Controls 2
Required any term second year Brazing Certification & CFC Certification
Third year
Term 9 (fall) FMT 122: Introduction to Boilers 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 10 (winter) FMT 222: Intermediate Boilers 3
Term 11 (spring) FMT 201: Introduction to Chiller Systems 3
Term 12 (summer) APR 274: HVAC, Steam & Hot Water Systems 4
Fourth year
Term 13 (fall) FMT 202: Direct Digital Control Advanced Technology 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 14 (winter) APR 202: LME: Electrical Code Level I 4
Term 15 (spring) APR 203: LME: Electrical Code Level II 4
Term 16 (summer) APR 204: LME: Electrical Code Level III 4

SE Apprentice class schedule #2

(if you are starting in the spring term)

Term New course name and number Credits
First year
Term 1 (spring) APR 101: LME: Electrical Theory Fundamentals 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
CEU 3965: Cultural Competency
Term 2 (summer) APR 102: LME: DC Motors 3
Term 3 (fall) APR 103: LME: AC Motors & Transformers 4
ELT 120: OSHA 10 Hour Safety Training 1
Term 4 (winter) APR 104: LME: Luminaires & Equipment 3
Second year
Term 5 (spring) FMT 202: Direct Digital Control Advanced Technology 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 6 (summer) APR 201: Electrical Motor Controls 2
Term 7 (fall) APR 131: Refrigeration I 2
Term 8 (winter) APR 132: Refrigeration II 2
Required any term second year Brazing Certification & CFC Certification
Third year
Term 9 (spring) APR 133: Refrigeration III 2
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 10 (summer) APR 274: HVAC, Steam & Hot Water Systems 4
Term 11 (fall) FMT 122: Introduction to Boilers 3
Term 12 (winter) FMT 222: Intermediate Boilers 3
Fourth year
Term 13 (spring) FMT 201: Introduction to Chiller Systems 3
CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades 8 CEU
Term 14 (summer) APR 202: LME: Electrical Code Level I 4
Term 15 (fall) APR 203: LME: Electrical Code Level II 4
Term 16 (winter) APR 204: LME: Electrical Code Level III 4

LBME Apprentice class schedule

LBME Apprentice Class Schedule
Term New course name and number
First year
Term 1 (fall) CEU 925P: Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades
ELT 120: OSHA 10 Hour Safety Training *
CEU 3965: Cultural Competency
APR 141: LBME: Electrical Theory Fundamentals
Term 2 (winter) APR 142: LBME: Electrical Code
Term 3 (spring) APR 143: LBME: AC Motors and Transformers
Term 4 (summer) APR 144: LBME: Luminaires, Switches and Equipment