
Art at Cascade

Art on campus

The Cascade Campus Art Department faculty works collaboratively to improve teaching and student learning in both art and art history courses through a focus on contemporary and historical concepts, impeccable attention to craftsmanship, and the inclusion of a personal perspective or vision.

This mission is accomplished by:

  • Students enrolled in our classes?form cohesive relationships and work together as part of the art department rather than separate entities: art history students work on woodblock prints in the printmaking lab, painting students investigate the concept-media, and ceramic students respond to worldly masters.
  • College outcomes and learning assessment goals within the art department are part of our effort, as well as?a challenge, to which we arise: calibrate curriculum and class content to further the practice and education of the arts of such a diverse group.
  • Students with or without basic skills,?degree-seeking, or continuing the life-long process of learning, all?with vast life experience and sometimes advanced degrees merge in the same classroom.
  • Opportunity for?understanding and appreciation of the individual is an extremely significant component of?the?learning process. Active participation and interaction between students and faculty are important ways that our department?seeks to create this understanding and appreciation of differences.

We have exceptional instructors dedicated to their students and PCC offering classes in the arts: ceramics, sculpture, photography, water media, calligraphy, life or figure model: drawing, painting and sculpture, printmaking, drawing, painting, basic design, and art history:?understanding visual arts, understanding architecture, understanding new media arts, history of western art, modern art history, and women in art.