Frequently asked questions

What is an Ophthalmic Medical Technician?

Ophthalmic Medical Technicians assist Ophthalmologists (eye surgeons) in their practice taking histories, screening patients, performing diagnostic tests, and assisting during surgery.

How many students do you admit to your program each year?

The program is admitting 18 students for the Winter 2025 Start.

How competitive is admission?

Admission is not currently competitive.

What is the cost of your program?

See the program costs page for details.

Can any of your prerequisites or program classes be substituted with other classes or work experience?

If you have taken classes that you think could be substituted for?Eye Technician program classes contact the admissions advisor at Most writing, math, and other general education classes can be transferred from any accredited college.

Is there any way to graduate from your program faster if I’ve been working in the field?

Generally no; the program is 4 terms. If you feel your situation is unique you can contact the admissions advisor at

What are the practicum requirements?

During your program, you will go through 4 different practicum placements.

What is the completion rate for your program?

Around 75%.

What kind of certification am I eligible for with your program?

You will be eligible to take the national exam to become a COT (Certified Ophthalmic Technician) through the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO).

What is the employment rate for graduates from your program?

Approximately 95% of our graduates are working in their field within a few months of graduation.

How much will I make as a COT?

Starting salaries in the Portland metro area are around $24-$26 per hour.