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Focus Awards
Focus Awards
Women’s and Gender Studies focus award
Women’s and gender studies: receive your award
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You will receive your award by email.
Required classes
Select the two additional classes you completed.
Class 1: Select a class
AD 103: Women and Addiction
ART 210: Women in Art
COMM 237: Gender and Communication
EC 216: Labor Markets: Economics of Gender, Race, and Work
ENG 222: Images of Women in Literature
ENG 260: Introduction to Women Writers
HE 212: Women's Health
HST 204: History of Women in the U.S.: Pre-colonial to 1877
HST 205: History of Women in the U.S.: 1877 to Present
HST 225: History of Global Sexualities and Families
PSY 231: Human Sexuality
PSY 232: Human Sexuality
SOC 218: Sociology of Gender
SPA 271A: Readings in Spanish Literature (Women Writers)
WS 201: Intercultural Women's Studies
WS 202: Women, Activism and Social Change
WS 210: Introduction to Queer Studies
Class 1: Term
Enter the term you completed the class.
Class 2: Select a class
AD 103: Women and Addiction
ART 210: Women in Art
COMM 237: Gender and Communication
EC 216: Labor Markets: Economics of Gender, Race, and Work
ENG 222: Images of Women in Literature
ENG 260: Introduction to Women Writers
HE 212: Women's Health
HST 204: History of Women in the U.S.: Pre-colonial to 1877
HST 205: History of Women in the U.S.: 1877 to Present
HST 225: History of Global Sexualities and Families
PSY 231: Human Sexuality
PSY 232: Human Sexuality
SOC 218: Sociology of Gender
SPA 271A: Readings in Spanish Literature (Women Writers)
WS 201: Intercultural Women's Studies
WS 202: Women, Activism and Social Change
WS 210: Introduction to Queer Studies
Class 2: Term
Enter the term you completed the class.
Additional questions
What are your university transfer plans for the future?
Do you have any comments or suggestions for the Women's Studies program at PCC?
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