Frequently asked questions

GIS certificate

How do I get started in the GIS certificate program?

The first step is applying to PCC if you are not already a student. Enter the GIS certificate program as your major when you are applying or in MyPCC.

Where are classes offered?

The majority of the GIS certificate classes are offered on Sylvania Campus. It is possible to take our introductory GIS classes at other campuses or remotely.

Do you offer classes online?

At this time the majority of our program requirements are only offered as face-to-face, remote, or hybrid classes. The classes that can be taken online are Geo 170 Maps & Geospatial Concepts, a variety of classes that count towards the geography elective, and a majority of classes that count towards the technical elective.

Is it possible for someone working full-time (8-5pm) to complete the GIS certificate?

Yes, it is, although it will take you longer than one year. It is possible to complete the certificate taking evening and (a few) online classes.

Is it possible to be enrolled in the GIS certificate program as a part-time student?

Yes. It will take you longer than one year to complete the certificate.

Is it possible to just take one or two GIS classes (as opposed to the full certificate)?

Yes. All of our classes are open so as long as you meet the prerequisites or can demonstrate that you have the necessary skills to be successful in a course, it is possible to take classes as a way to explore the field or get professional development.

Do I need to start the program in the fall or can I start any quarter?

It is possible to start the program any quarter of the year, although it may take you longer than one year to complete if you start in a term other than the fall.

How long does the GIS program take to complete?

If you are in the program full-time and take 3-4 classes a term, it takes 3 quarters. If you are in the program part-time it can take longer than that.

I already have a degree from a previous institution. Can classes be counted towards the GIS certificate?

Yes, as long as they are equivalent to classes that count towards your certificate. The process for doing this is a multi-step one. The first (and informal step) is to send the GIS faculty department chair an unofficial copy of your transcript. This will give the department chair a chance to look over your transcript to determine what classes are equivalent to the ones in the GIS certificate. If there are classes that can count, you need to go through the more formal process done in Student Records. Information on that process can be found on the transfer credits to PCC page.

If I already have a college degree, do I need to take the standard reading, writing, and math classes or placement tests?

If you have completed equivalent coursework at another institution, you will need to send the faculty department chair an unofficial copy of your transcript for review and to determine placement into our courses.

Can I have two declared majors?

Yes, it is possible to have two declared majors. To do this, you need to send a request to with your G number and your current and requested second (or third, etc) major, making it clear that you want the additional majors added rather than a change of major.

What are the costs of the entire program?

See current tuition costs on the PCC tuition webpage.

Can I get financial aid?

You should contact the Financial Aid office regarding this question. The GIS certificate program is a financial aid eligible program.

Do classes from the GIS certificate transfer to other institutions?

It is possible that our classes transfer to another university or college, however, this varies depending on the place you transfer to, as they determine what transfers and what does not. Our students often transfer to Portland State University (PSU) or Oregon State University (OSU). Here are some resources on those transfers:

Do you need to have previous programming experience to take GIS Programming (Geo 242)?

If you do not have any previous programming experience, it is highly recommended that you take CIS 122 Intro to Programming Logic, before taking Geo 242.

What are the requirements for Geo 280A Cooperative Education?

Cooperative Ed is essentially completing an internship for credit. This will count as a GIS elective or in place of GEO 267 Geospatial Applications. It is required that you have an organization to intern with, that there is a GIS professional on staff who can serve as your supervisor, and that you will work on projects that have a GIS focus. If you are interested in taking Cooperative Ed, you should contact the instructor directly to discuss the internship placements, timeframe, and learning objectives. This is not a class that meets at any given time, but rather you complete your time interning on-site.

Can I get a job with the GIS certificate?

It is possible to get a job with the GIS certificate if you already have a bachelor’s degree (in any field).? Although not every entry-level GIS job requires a bachelor’s degree, you will be competing with people who have a degree. The majority of entry-level GIS jobs will require a bachelor’s degree, as well as a GIS certificate (or experience). Some employers in the Portland region include local, state, and federal government agencies, NV5, GeoTerra, FloAnalytics, Maul, Foster & Alongi, as well as forestry and agricultural businesses.

Geomatics AAS

How do I get started with the geomatics AAS?

The first step is applying to PCC if you are not already a student. Enter the geomatics AAS as your major when you are applying or in MyPCC. After that, it is recommended that you make an appointment with an academic advisor to develop a plan of study.

Where are classes offered?

The majority of the geomatics classes are offered at Sylvania Campus. It is possible to take some of the general education classes at other campuses or online.

Do you offer classes online?

At this time the majority of our geospatial-specific courses are only offered face-to-face. The classes that can be taken online are Geo 170 Maps & Geospatial Concepts, as well as several of the general education (i.e. math, writing) and Computer Science (CIS) courses.

Is it possible for someone working full-time (8-5pm) to complete the geomatics AAS?

While many classes are offered in the evenings and/or online, it would be difficult to complete all the necessary requirements while also working a traditional 8-5pm schedule. There are some classes that are only offered during the daytime (i.e. GPS, UAS, Surveying).

Is it possible to be enrolled in the geomatics AAS program as a part-time student?

Yes. It will take you longer than two years to complete the degree.

Do I need to start the program in the fall or can I start any quarter?

It is possible to start the program any quarter of the year, although we currently have our class schedule set up in a way that if you want to finish in 2 years, you would need to start in the fall term. If you are interested in starting the degree program in another term, contact your academic advisor to help you plan out a schedule of classes.

How long does the geomatics degree take to complete?

If you are in the program full-time it takes 2 years, including one summer course. If you are in the program part-time it can take longer than that.

I already have a degree from a previous institution. Can classes be counted towards the geomatics degree?

Yes, as long as they are equivalent to classes that count towards the degree. The process for doing this is a multi-step one. The first (and informal step) is to send the faculty department chair an unofficial copy of your transcript. This will give them a chance to look over your transcript to determine what classes are equivalent to ones in the AAS degree. If there are classes that can count, you need to go through the more formal process done in Student Records. Information on that process can be found on the transfer credits to PCC page.

Can I have two declared majors?

Yes, it is possible to have two declared majors. To do this, you need to send a request to with your G number and your current and requested second (or third, etc) major making it clear that you want the additional majors added rather than a change of major.

What are the costs of the entire program?

See current tuition costs on the PCC tuition webpage.

Can I get financial aid?

You should contact the Financial Aid office regarding this question. The geomatics AAS is a financial aid eligible program.

Do classes from geomatics transfer to other institutions?

It is possible that our classes transfer to another university or college, however, this varies depending on the place you transfer to, as they determine what transfers and what does not. Our students often transfer to Portland State University (PSU) or Oregon State University (OSU). Here are some resources on those transfers:

What are the requirements for Geo 280A Cooperative Education?

Cooperative Ed is essentially completing an internship for credit. It is required that you have an organization to intern with, that there is a GIS or geospatial professional on staff who can serve as your supervisor, and that you will work on projects that have a geospatial focus. If you are interested in taking Cooperative Ed, you should contact the instructor directly to discuss the internship placements, timeframe, and learning objectives. This is not a class that meets at any given time, but rather you complete your time interning on-site.

Can I get a job with the geomatics AAS?

Yes! The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees are intended to prepare students for the workforce. You can expect to find jobs such as GIS Technician, Remote Sensing Technician, Surveying Technician, and other entry-level geospatial jobs. Some employers in the Portland region include local, state, and federal government agencies; NV5 Geospatial; GeoTerra; FloAnalytics; Maul, Foster & Alongi; Westlake Consultants; S & F Land Services; as well as other engineering and geospatial businesses.

Geospatial UAS certificate

How do I get started in the UAS certificate program?

The first step is applying to PCC if you are not already a student. Enter the geospatial UAS specialist certificate program as your major when you are applying or in MyPCC.

Where are classes offered?

The UAS certificate classes are offered at Sylvania Campus.

Do you offer classes online?

Because of the hands-on nature of flying drones, the three classes in the certificate all have a lab component. This means that there is an in-person component to all classes in the certificate.

Is it possible for someone working full-time (8-5pm) to complete the UAS certificate?

At this time, the three classes that are included in the UAS certificate are offered mostly during daylight hours out of the necessity of flying drones during the day. Please reference the current PCC schedule or our yearly course plan to find out about specific course offerings.

When is it possible to start the program?

The first class in the certificate, Geo 248 Drone Operations is offered during the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms and therefore those are the terms that you can start the program.

How long does the UAS certificate take to complete?

It will take a total of three terms to complete the certificate. Each of the three classes needs to be taken in successive order (Geo 248 > Geo 252 > Geo 254).

I already have a Part 107 Remote Pilot certificate. Can it count toward the UAS certificate?

Yes, it is possible to receive Credit for Prior Learning for the Geo 248 Drone Operations course if you already have your Part 107 Remote Pilot certificate.

Can I have two declared majors?

Yes, it is possible to have two declared majors. To do this, you need to send a request to with your G number and your current and requested second (or third, etc) major making it clear that you want the additional majors added rather than a change of major.

What are the costs of the entire program?

See current tuition costs on the PCC tuition webpage.

Can I get financial aid?

You should contact the Financial Aid office regarding this question. The UAS certificate program is not a financial aid eligible program.

Can I get a job with the UAS certificate?

The UAS certificate is meant to be more of an add-on skill for emerging professionals or professionals in geospatial fields such as GIS, remote sensing, surveying, and other related fields.