AMATYC Student Math League


Dates for the 2021-22 exams are yet to be determined. This page will be updated once exam dates are finalized.

Contact your math instructor or one of the campus SML representatives listed at the bottom of this page to sign up for this free exam.

General eligibility

Any two-year college is eligible to enter a team of 5 or more students for the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Student Math League. Individual students if fewer than 5 students wish to compete. Any student at a two-year college who has not earned a two-year college or higher degree is eligible to compete (part-time students are eligible). View the rules of the contest.

Eligibility for the Grand Prize

In addition to meeting general eligibility requirements, a student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours (or equivalent quarter hours) of community college (two-year college) coursework by the end of the academic term in which the second exam is given. Students enrolled in a four-year institution or high school at the time of the competition are NOT eligible for the grand prize, nor are previous recipients of the grand prize. Official transcripts and a letter signed by the student and local moderator certifying eligibility will be required to award the prize. The scholarship must be used within two years of its award at the conference; if it is not, two scholarships will be awarded in the next year’s competition.

Test format

The level of the tests is pre-calculus mathematics. Questions are from a standard syllabus in College Algebra and Trigonometry and may involve pre-calculus algebra, trigonometry, synthetic and analytic geometry, and probability; completely self-contained questions may be included as well. All questions are short-answer or multiple-choice (multiple-choice questions will have at least 4 response choices). No partial credit is allowed in scoring. The test will be sent to each participating school to arrive before the test window. Printing errors that are not corrected before the test period will invalidate that particular question, and all students will be marked correct for that question. See previous exams.

Students are permitted to use any scientific or graphics calculator that does not have a QWERTY (i.e. typewriter) keyboard.?The TI-92, TI-92plus, TI-Voyage 200, or Casio Classpad are not allowed.


To be eligible for an individual award, a participant must compete on both exams. The team score consists of the best five scores on the exam in each round. The individual student team members may change from exam to exam. A team may consist of fewer than five students if necessary, and in this case, the team’s score is the sum of the scores of the students participating. The grand prize for the qualified individual with the highest total score on the two exams is a $3,000 scholarship to be used to continue their education at an accredited four-year institution. In the case of a tie for the grand prize, the scholarship will be evenly divided. The top ten ranking individuals will receive appropriate prizes of a mathematical nature, as will the five highest-ranking members of the first-place team. The five highest-ranking teams, as well as the team and individual champions from each of AMATYC’s eight regions, will receive plaques at the following year’s AMATYC annual conference. Also, certificates of merit will be awarded to the top five individuals from each participating school. The prizes, plaques, and certificates are sponsored by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC).

Learn more about AMATYC

For more information please contact the following SML campus representative: