Lichen study

What is lichen?

LichenLichen is very cool! A lichen is a combination of algae and fungus living together. We are studying the lichen in Rock Creek’s Westside Forest – identifying and quantifying the lichen species in 10 areas of the forest. Each area studied is approximately 2 meters square, beginning at ground level and going up to a height of 5 feet.

The purpose of our ongoing study is to ultimately track the sensitive species of lichen. Lichens are excellent indicators of air quality. We hypothesize that the sensitive species will decline in number as the impacts of urban growth become apparent. We hope you enjoy viewing our photos and learning more about these interesting organisms.

Study map

These are the 10 areas of lichen study in the Westside forest.

Westside Forest Sampling Sites

Area 1

Locate at N 45? 34’ 03.9” W 122? 51’ 45.0” – which is at the SE corner of the forest.

Parmeliopsis hyperopta (70x)

Parmeliopsis hyperopta (70x)

Platismatia glauca - top (70x)

Platismatia glauca – top view (70x)

Platismatia glauca (300x)

Platismatia glauca (300x)

Area 1 - Winter 2007

Parmeliopsis hyperopta (300x)

Parmeliopsis hyperopta (300x)

Platismatia glauca - bottom (70x)

Platismatia glauca – bottom view (70x)

Area 1 - Spring 2007

Area 1 unidentified

Not yet identified

Area 2

Locate at N 45? 34’ 07.3” W 122? 51’ 45.7” – which is halfway down the east side of the forest.

Cladonia bellidiflora

Cladonia bellidiflora

Area 2 - Winter 2007

Ramalina farinacea

Ramalina farinacea

Area 2 - Spring 2007

Area 3

Locate at N 45? 34’ 08.7” W 122? 51’ 47.1” – which is at the NE corner of the forest

Area 3 - Winter 2007Area 3 - Spring 2007

Ramalina thrausta

Ramalina thrausta

Candelaria concolor (magnified)

Candelaria concolor (magnified)

Evernia prunastri

Evernia prunastri

Hypogymnia metaphysodes

Hypogymnia metaphysodes

Hypogymnia physodes

Hypogymnia physodes

Usnea lapponica

Usnea lapponica

Hypogymnia tubulosa

Hypogymnia tubulosa

Hypogymnia tubulosa - magnified

Hypogymnia tubulosa (magnified)

Hypogymnia tubulosa - 70x

Hypogymnia tubulosa (70x)

Hypogymnia tubulosa - 150x

Hypogymnia tubulosa (150x)

Usnea pacificana

Usnea pacificana

Usnea subserilis

Usnea subserilis