Performance schedule

Spring 2024 posterThe plays are written by, and based on, the lived experiences of the Student Educators involved in the Illumination Project. After we present the play the audience members will interact with the characters to create community dialogue and problem-solving.

You may sign up as an individual, or if you are an instructor you may sign up your class.

Sign up for a performance

Performance schedule

Performances will be addressing Heterosexism and Cissexism; Systemic Oppression and discrimination surrounding gender and sexuality.

  • Monday, May 6, 6:30 – 7:50pm,? Live streamed performance: “Can’t Fight, Can’t Run”
  • Tuesday, May 7, 10am – 11:50am, Sylvania campus PAC Lobby: “I’m Trying”
  • Thursday, May 9, 1pm – 2:50pm, Sylvania Campus PAC Lobby: “I’m Trying”
  • Monday, May 13, 11am – 12:50pm, Live streamed Performance: “I’m Trying”
  • Tuesday, May 14, 10 – 11:50am, Live streamed Performance: “Can’t Fight, Can’t Run”
  • Thurs. May 16, 11am – 12:50pm, Live streamed Performance: “Can’t Fight, Can’t Run”
  • Mon. May 20, 1 – 2:50pm, Live streamed Performance: “I’m Trying”
  • Tues. May 21, 11am – 12:50pm, Sylvania Campus PAC Lobby: “I’m Trying”
  • Wed. May 22, 11am – 12:50pm, Sylvania Campus PAC Lobby: “I’m Trying”
  • Thurs. May 30, 10 – 11:30am, Rock Creek Bldg 7 RM 117: “Can’t Fight, Can’t Run”
  • Thurs. May 30, 2 – 3:50pm, Rock Creek Bldg 7 RM 117: “Can’t Fight, Can’t Run”

Supporting educational materials

Audience feedback

"Sitting in the audience and seeing racism go unchallenged and seeing the dramatic difference when racism was challenged, was a very powerful experience. You truly shed light on how is institutional problem seeps into our personal life and the responsibility we each have to change it. I was not only challenged intellectually but very moved emotionally.

"One thing I remember was how the students who were being targeted talked about how they felt more comfortable speaking up after another person confronted the racism. I took away the feeling and belief we can all work to end racism when we speak up."

Fawn Gustin, Community Member