Contact us

Instructional Technology Specialists (ITS)

Meet one-on-one or a group session with an ITS for each campus to help you with Instructional Tools for your course. Contact them directly or click on their appointment calendar to schedule one.?Please schedule appointments at least 24 hours in advance.


Picture of Andre Temkin, ITS at Southeast CampusAndre Temkin
Southeast, Mt. Tabor 113
Andre’s Appointment Calendar
On-campus appointment available upon request


Picture of James PepeJames Pepe
SY Library 208
James’ Appointment Calendar
On-campus appointment available upon request

Station GammillStation
SY Library 208
Station’s Appointment Calendar

Rock Creek

Picture of Carolina Rose, ITS at Rock Creek CampusCarolina Rose
Rock Creek, Building 7 117B
Carolina’s Appointment Calendar
On-campus appointment available upon request


Picture of David VasquezDavid Vasquez
Cascade, Cascade Hall, 116
David’s Appointment Calendar
On-campus appointments are available upon request.

ITS Lead & Coordinator

Picture of Melany Budiman

Melany Budiman
Sylvania, Library 208


ITS provides course design assistance for faculty.

  • Creating and/or assessing learning outcomes
  • Alignment with Course Level Outcomes
  • Organizing Course Content
  • Analysis of Learning Needs and Tasks
  • Course Check for meeting QM standards
  • Choosing appropriate instructional tools

Faculty Production Labs (FPL)

There is a Faculty Lab on each of the four main campuses: Sylvania, Rock Creek, Cascade, and Southeast. Each lab computer is equipped with PCC licensed software such as Office Suite, Adobe Suite, Camtasia, Respondus, etc. Contact the ITS at each campus if you need help with Faculty Production Labs.

We have recording space available if you would like to record your own video and audio at Rock Creek and Southeast.

Faculty Production Lab at Southeast Campus

Southeast, Mt Tabor 108

Faculty Production Lab at Rock Creek

Rock Creek, BLDG 7, RM 117D

Faculty Production Lab at Cascade

Cascade, Cascade Hall 116

Sylvania Faculty Production Lab - 5 computers

Sylvania, Library 208