Contemporary Art Galleries in PDX

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Immerse yourself in contemporary art via a series of visits to local galleries. Cultivate deeper understanding and build community with other art enthusiasts. Gain knowledge and confidence to appreciate and converse about contemporary art in gallery settings.

Local gallery visits offer an up-close encounter with a diverse range of artworks and styles. Engage in lively, facilitated discussions on the themes, techniques, and stories behind the exhibited pieces. In addition to the galleries, the class includes behind-the-scenes visits with gallery representatives, artists, or art writers providing an insider's perspective on the art world.

List of classes for 9FA626G Contemporary Art Galleries in PDX
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
46028In-personSylvania CT 212
from 1 to 2:50pm

From September 28 through November 2, 2024
Instructor: Ash B Stone
Tuition: $95 Fees: $0
Notes: Bring notebook/sketchpad. Field trips planned at 1st class.

New to PCC? Learn more about how to register.