Interior Design
It is recommended that new students attend a program information session before registering.
- ID 100
- Design Drafting
- ID 121
- Sustainable Mtls Res Int
- ID 122
- Hist of Furniture-Ancient/1800
- ID 125
- Computer Drafting for Int Dsg.
- ID 128
- Digital Rendering Presentation
- ID 130
- Building Systems for ID
- ID 131
- Introduction to Interiors
- ID 132
- Planning Interiors
- ID 138
- Intro to Kitchen/Bath Planning
- ID 140
- Chief Architect for ID
- ID 199C
- Custom Furniture Design
- ID 200
- ID Studio Foundations
- ID 235
- Intermediate CAD for ID
- ID 236
- Lighting Design
Cooperative Education
- ID 280A
- CE: Kitchen and Bath