Addiction Counseling
Addiction counselors work in treatment settings to professionally help chemically dependent clients. The Addiction Counseling Program helps prepare students for the Oregon Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor examination.
Restricted admission courses are limited to students officially accepted into the program, after all requirements are met. Please visit the AD program website, for more information, requirements, orientation dates and application process.
AD Open Courses
The following classes are open to the general public and students who are considering applying for the Addiction Counseling program.
- AD 101
- Addiction
- AD 102
- Drug Use and Addiction
- AD 103
- Women and Addiction
- AD 104
- Multicultural Counseling
- AD 106
- Nicotine Cessation
- AD 107
- Addiction Recovery Mentor
- AD 153
- Theories of Counseling
- AD 156
- Prof Ethics Issues Counseling
- AD 160
- Basic Counseling
- AD 184
- Men & Addiction
AD Restricted Admission Courses
The following courses are only open to students officially admitted into the Addiction Counseling Program and space is limited. Please contact the AD Advisor with any questions 971-722-5427.
- AD 152
- Group Counsel and Addiction
- AD 154
- Client Record Mgmt & Addiction
- AD 161
- Motivational Interview/Addict
- AD 255
- Multiple Diagnoses
- AD 270A
- Practicum: Addiction
- AD 270B
- Practicum: Addiction- Seminar
- AD 278
- Practicum Prep
Programa de Consejería de Adiccion en Espanol
Spanish Addiction Counseling Program
The following courses are only open to students officially admitted into the Spanish Addiction Counseling Program and space is limited. Please contact our team at
Los siguientes cursos sólo están abiertos a los estudiantes admitidos oficialmente en el Programa de Consejería de Adicción en Espa?ol y el espacio es limitado. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo a
- AD 123E
- Smoke, Chew, Vape: Reduce Use
- AD 124E
- Cultural Humility Counseling
- AD 140E
- Risk Assessment and Reduction
- AD 141E
- Clinical Evaluation