
Senior Studies Institute particpants around a tableThe Senior Studies Institute (SSI) offers a unique program for dynamic older adults who want to expand their horizons and connect with others. SSI offers learning in a pressure-free atmosphere – no grades, no tests, no compulsory attendance, no competitive pressures, no formal faculty, and no pre-registration – all for one annual membership fee.

SSI is a member-driven organization and class proposals are generated by the membership. SSI is special because its members plan, conduct, and run the institute’s activities. Members with a passionate interest in their subjects enthusiastically share their knowledge in 2-hour presentations. Others moderate, facilitate, or coordinate activities and classes such as poetry and play readings, a DVD series, and current events discussions. Everybody participates and everyone benefits.

Join us!

SSI hosts a variety of activities, including 2-hour, one-time only presentations on varied topics of interest, poetry and playing readings, streaming series, current events, film and book discussion groups –on the online Zoom platform, in-person or both! As a member, you can attend any of our events with no prior registration at one annual fee. For more information, browse our SSI website or email ssimembership2@gmail.com for more information.

Be sure to follow the full online payment directions in the drop-down menu immediately below providing both the requested and optional information. (The “Member 2: First & Last Name” is to be completed if you are applying as a couple.)

Online credit card payment instructions
Membership (new and renewals):
  • This section will generate your membership application and must be completely filled out, even though it may indicate “optional” for membership processing. It is separate from the payment information, as it may be different.
  • Select the payment button you wish to purchase (individual or couple membership).
  • Type member’s first and last name in the “Member Names” box. If a couple, type the second member’s first and last name in box 2.? (First name may be a shortened version or a nickname).
  • Type in your mailing address and contact phone number.
  • Indicate if you are a new or renewing member.
  • Complete your billing information.
  • Select the “Payment” button once. Clicking on the payment button more than once will result in multiple payments.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the Senior Studies Institute Scholarship Fund, you can do so at pcc.edu/give.

  • Choose “Other” in the Designation menu, and enter “SSI” in the designation box.
  • Type “Donation” into the “Comments” box so that we can acknowledge your charitable gift.
  • Complete your billing information.
  • Click the “Give Now” button.