Week 01 (January 9 – 13)

Monday (1/9)

Class Recording / Class Slides


A) Fill out this Student Info Survey

* I fixed the form – if you could not log in before, please try again!!

B) Grammar: BE Verbs and Action Verbs

C) Complete 2 assignments on Ellii:

  1. Go to:?ellii.com/students
  2. Type your username, which is your first name + pcc (mine is amandapcc, Maria’s is mariapcc). All lowercase, all one word.
  3. Type your password: pccenglish
  4. Click the blue Log In button.
  5. Click on “Open” to see the current assignments.
  6. Complete the 2 assignments on Ellii.

You don’t need to send me your answers. Just check your answers after you finish.

D) Read our syllabus

Wednesday (1/11)

Class Recording / Class Slides / Class Notes


A) Fill out this Student Info Survey if you have not done it yet.

B) Sign up for CASAS testing.

C) Workbook page 10 PART D ONLY!: Download a copy? if you don’t have the workbook. We will check the answers in class on Friday.

D) More practice with BE verbs:

Friday (1/13)

Class Recording / Class Slides / Class Notes

**Reminder, there is NO CLASS on Monday, January 16th**

A) Writing Homework

We will have writing homework every week. It’s very important that you complete this. You cannot move to Level 4 without completing the writing assignments.

Add your paragraph to the top of your google doc. Find your name here: Student work

Write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) about who you are. What kind of person are you? Use BE and adjectives. Use action verbs. Use the present tense. Use time expressions (twice a day, once a month, every year, etc) and adverbs of frequency (sometimes, always, never, sometimes, etc)

B) Spelling & Vocabulary Words

Study Past Tenses Verbs 1-15

We will have a quiz on these words every Monday (next week the test will be on Wednesday).

C) WH-question practice.

D) Adverbs of Frequency practice.

E) Sign up for CASAS testing.

IF you want to take it in person at a PCC campus, scan these QR codes (or click on the links below)


F) Fill out this Student Info Survey if you have not done it yet.

G) Have a great weekend! ?