Week 01 (January 9 – 13)
Monday (1/9)
Class Recording / Class Slides
A) Fill out this Student Info Survey
* I fixed the form – if you could not log in before, please try again!!
B) Grammar: BE Verbs and Action Verbs
- Study the slideshow again here.
- Download the “be” verb summary chart
- Practice
C) Complete 2 assignments on Ellii:
- Go to:?ellii.com/students
- Type your username, which is your first name + pcc (mine is amandapcc, Maria’s is mariapcc). All lowercase, all one word.
- Type your password: pccenglish
- Click the blue Log In button.
- Click on “Open” to see the current assignments.
- Complete the 2 assignments on Ellii.
You don’t need to send me your answers. Just check your answers after you finish.
D) Read our syllabus
Wednesday (1/11)
Class Recording / Class Slides / Class Notes
A) Fill out this Student Info Survey if you have not done it yet.
B) Sign up for CASAS testing.
C) Workbook page 10 PART D ONLY!: Download a copy? if you don’t have the workbook. We will check the answers in class on Friday.
D) More practice with BE verbs:
Friday (1/13)
Class Recording / Class Slides / Class Notes
**Reminder, there is NO CLASS on Monday, January 16th**
A) Writing Homework
We will have writing homework every week. It’s very important that you complete this. You cannot move to Level 4 without completing the writing assignments.
Add your paragraph to the top of your google doc. Find your name here: Student work
Write a paragraph (8-10 sentences) about who you are. What kind of person are you? Use BE and adjectives. Use action verbs. Use the present tense. Use time expressions (twice a day, once a month, every year, etc) and adverbs of frequency (sometimes, always, never, sometimes, etc)
B) Spelling & Vocabulary Words
We will have a quiz on these words every Monday (next week the test will be on Wednesday).
D) Adverbs of Frequency practice.
E) Sign up for CASAS testing.
IF you want to take it in person at a PCC campus, scan these QR codes (or click on the links below)
F) Fill out this Student Info Survey if you have not done it yet.
G) Have a great weekend! ?