Letter of Recommendation

So you would like a letter?

If you are interested in asking for a letter of recommendation, either from me or someone else, here is a good way to do this.

  1. Reach out to your instructor and ask if they would be willing to write you a?favorable recommendation.
  2. Be sure to let the possible recommender know why you think they would be a good person to write the letter.
  3. Give the possible recommender a good amount of time before the letter is due. At minimum, a month should be given.
  4. Provide the possible recommender a document with this information.
    • Your name
    • Your academic goals (including major)
    • Your professional goals
    • Your overall GPA
    • Your GPA in courses relevant to your major
    • A list of accomplishments (don’t hold back)
    • A list of any volunteer work you’ve done
    • Where you will be applying
    • Where and how to submit the letter(s) (and to whom, if that is available)
    • Deadline(s) for the recommendation

This information will help significantly with getting a favorable recommendation.