MTH 251

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There are two different textbook options you may choose in order to complete your homework. You may choose either

  • Gilbert Strang and Edwin Herman’s Calculus Volume 1
  • James Stewart’s?Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th Edition

Select homework sets are provided below for either option you choose. The homework prompts listed are a starting point to practice the material we learned in class (or from the videos). Some people may feel they need more practice after working through these prompts, and that is great to have that self-awareness! In this case, try some of the even prompts between the assigned odd ones.

Strang and Herman’s?Calculus Volume 1 and?Calculus Volume 2 An image of the OpenStax logo
  • Intro to Calculus: Section 2.1: 1 – 21 all
  • Limits: Section 2.2: 35, 37 (use a = 2), 39, 43, 47, 49 – 52 all, 59 – 64 all, 77, 79
  • Limit Laws: Section 2.3: 83 – 86 all, 107 – 111 all, 115, 117 – 123 all
  • Continuity: Section 2.4: 131, 133, 141, 147, 159, 163; then?Section 2.3: 89 – 105 odd
  • Limits Involving Infinity: Section 4.6: 261 – 270 all
  • Derivative at a Number: Section 3.1: 5, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 29, 39, 40, 47, 49, 51
  • The Derivative Function: Section 3.2: 55, 57, 59, 61, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 78, 79, 81, 85, 91, 93, 97, 99
  • Differentiation Rules: Section 3.3: 107, 109, 113, 115, 118, 119, 130, 133, 135, 137; then Section 3.4: 151 – 157 odd
  • The Product & Quotient Rules: Section 3.3: 113 (use the Product Rule), 117, 120, 121, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 139, 141, 145, 146, 147; then Section 3.4: 165; then Section 3.9: 331
  • Derivative of Trigonometric Functions: Section 3.5: 175 – 203 odd
  • The Chain Rule: Section 3.6: 215, 221 – 237 odd, 243, 253; then Section 3.9: 332, 334, 335
  • Implicit Differentiation: Section 3.8: 300 – 313 all, 319
  • Derivatives of Inverse Functions: Section 3.7: 279, 280, 283, 284, 285, 295, 298; then Section 3.8: 321; then Section 3.9: 336 – 339 all
  • Derivatives and Logarithms: Section 3.9: 333, 340 – 352 all, 357, 361
  • Related Rates: Section 4.1: 5, 7, 9 – 15 all, 17, 21, 25, 27
  • Extrema: Section 4.3: 91, 93, 97, 101, 105, 109, 111, 113; then?Section 4.5: 221, 223, 225, 227, 229
  • The Mean Value Theorem: Section 4.4: None
  • Curve Sketching: Section 4.5: 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240
Stewart’s?Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, 4th Edition An image of Stewart's Calculus Volume 2
  • Intro to Calculus: §2.1 (p. 94):? ?# 1 – 8 all
  • Limits: §2.2 (p. 102): # 1 – 7 odd, 13 – 16 all, 21 – 24 all
  • Limit Laws: §2.3 (p. 111): # 1 – 23 odd, 33 – 37 odd
  • Continuity: §2.4 (p. 121): # 1 – 23 odd, 35
  • Limits Involving Infinity: §2.5 (p. 132): # 1 – 9 odd, 15 – 37 odd, 39, 41, 51
  • Derivative at a Number: §2.6 (p. 142): # 1, 3ab, 5, 7, 9ab, 11 – 23 odd, 27 – 39 odd, 47
  • The Derivative Function: §2.7 (p. 155): # 1 – 15 odd, 19 – 27 odd, 35, 37, 43
  • Differentiation Rules: §3.1 (p. 181): # 3 – 29 odd, 41, 42, 45, 47, 49
  • The Product and Quotient Rules: §3.2 (p. 188): # 1 – 31 odd, 33a, 39
  • Derivative of Trigonometric Functions:?§3.3 (p. 195): # 1 – 21 odd, 23a, 25a, 27 – 39 odd
  • The Chain Rule: §3.4 (p. 205): # 1 – 43 odd, 49, 67
  • Implicit Differentiation: §3.5 (p. 214): # 1 – 27 odd, 31 – 35 odd, 41
  • Derivatives of Inverse Functions:?§3.6 (p. 220): # 1 – 7 odd, 17 – 28 all
  • Derivatives and Logarithms: §3.7 (p. 226): # 1 – 29 odd, 33 – 41 odd
  • Related Rates: §4.1 (p. 260): # 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 23, 29, 33, 39
  • Extrema: §4.2 (p. 268): # 7, 11, 15, 17, 21, 23, 27, 31, 35, 41 – 53 odd
  • The Mean Value Theorem: §4.3 (p. 279): # 1 – 29 odd, 33
  • Curve Sketching: §2.8 (p. 162): # 1 – 27 odd, 31; and §4.4 (p. ??): #

Each day will have a lab that will cover a particular section of material that we have previously explored in class. You may work alone or in a group to work through the corresponding worksheet found below. These worksheets will?not be collected.

Periodically, a?Lab Report will be assigned on D2L. This lab report will be a collection of prompts that are either the same or similar to prompts from lab worksheets. This lab report must be written neatly on new paper according to the stipulations below:

  • Each prompt must be clearly written out before beginning any work.
  • Each new prompt must begin on a separate page.
  • All of your work must be thoroughly shown for each prompt.
  • Your conclusion must be clearly stated at the end of your work with any necessary units and exact values (unless otherwise stated).
Here are the labs for each section.

Below are some reviews for both the midterm exam and the final exam. Use these reviews to study for the exam. These will not be collected or covered in class.

Extra Credits

There are two extra credit opportunities available to you. Please complete these any time before the last week of instruction.


Two PCC instructors have produced video series for MTH 251. Feel free to check out their videos below.

  • Austina Fong’s MTH 251 Videos. For Austina’s videos, please note that she organizes them by section number. These sections are consistent with the sections we follow.
  • Jessica Bernards’ MTH 251 Videos. For Jessica’s videos, please note that she organizes them by topic. The corresponding textbook section numbers are listed below.
Textbook Section Corresponding Video Number
Introduction to Calculus 1
Limits 2
Limit Laws 3, 4, 5, 6
Continuity 7, 8
Limits Involving Infinity 9, 10, 11
Derivative at a Number 12, 13
The Derivative Function 14, 15, 16, 17
Curve Sketching (Part 1) 18, 19
Differentiation Rules 20, 21
The Product & Quotient Rules 22, 23, 41
Derivative of Trigonometric Functions 24, 25, 26
The Chain Rule 27, 28, 29, 40
Implicit Differentiation 30, 31, 32
Derivatives of Inverse Functions 33
Derivatives and Logarithms 34, 35
Related Rates 36, 37
Extrema 38
The Mean Value Theorem 39
Precalculus Review Materials

PCC has created a wealth of information for precalculus review. If you identify any topics you need assistance with, check this site out.