Friday, October 25, 2024
Hi students,
Learn from your mistakes!
The Unit 4 Packet will be due on Monday, November 4.? We will correct it in class. Take it home to study.? You will put it in the blue box on Wednesday, November 6.
The Unit 4 Test will be on Wednesday, November 6.
Textbook Audio
Level 2
Student Book or Workbook
Unit 4
Change the speed.? Make it slower.? Listen again!
1.? Study for Quiz 3:? Body Part Dictation.
You will hear sentences with body parts.? You will need to spell and write all the body parts correctly.? Body parts do not have capital letters.
Here are two more words to add to your paper:
foot (singular) – feet (plural)
You can ask Davida, “How do you spell ________________?”
2.? Independent Practice #5?– This is practice that you do with no teacher.? It’s your choice!??You can listen to music in English.? You can practice the library conversation by yourself in the mirror.? You can read a comic book in English.? Email Davida or leave her a voicemail with a report about what you did.
3.? Finish old homework.? Late homework is OK.? Please do your homework?at home!
Wahidullah, Abdoul, Pedro Alvarado, Justin, Joel, Andrea, Anita – Please prepare three sentences, three questions, and a photo of a famous person to present to the class.