Monday, October 21, 2024

a little motivation (Provided by Tenor)
Today was Test Day!
Are you missing homework?? Please do it!? Late HW is OK!? Homework is practice.? You must practice!

The vending machines sell?junk food.? It is delicious, but it is also unhealthy!
Homework due Wednesday, October 23
1.? Finish the capitalization worksheet we started in class.? Here is the link if you were absent:??
2.? Finish any old homework.
Quy, Wahidullah, Abdoul, Pedro Alvarado, Justin, Joel, Andrea, Anita – Please prepare three sentences, three questions, and a photo of a famous person to present to the class.
How to Study Vocabulary
We talked about the difference between a translation and a definition today. Practice using the Longman Dictionary and YouGlish with new vocabulary words.

Longman Dictionary – Use this online English-English dictionary to look up each vocabulary word.

YouGlish – YouGlish = YouTube + English.? Use this site to hear and watch many examples of the vocabulary words.

For each vocabulary word that you learn, you need to learn:

  • spelling

  • pronunciation

  • meaning – translation in your language and definition from an online English-English dictionary

  • part of speech – noun, verb, adjective, article, or adverb

  • Can you use the vocabulary word in a conversation?

  • Can you write your own sentence with the vocabulary word?

  • Can you read and understand the vocabulary word?


Go to the Computer Lab at 8:30 on Wednesday.

You can do extra conversation practice on Zoom every Tuesday from?2-3 PM on Zoom (link here) with International Peer Student Leader Yorrane from Brazil.
See you soon!