Microelectronics Technology Student Advising

You should contact an MT advisor to make sure you plan your coursework in a feasible manner (not all courses are offered all terms, and certain sequences must be followed.)

Eric Kirchner
  • Academic planning
  • MT transfer credit evaluation
  • Course substitutions
  • Overrides for program required courses
Fontaine Roberson
  • Academic planning
  • General advising issues (student resources, financial aid, prerequisites/placement, etc.)
  • Academic issues (holds, etc.)
  • Overrides for General Education courses, math, science, writing, communication.

Transfer Credit:

If you have other coursework at PCC or other institutions that you think may be applied towards your MT degree or certificate, you should follow these guidelines:

Transfer credit from other schools and the military

  • Follow the instructions on the Student Records page for transferring credit to PCC
  • Allow Student Records to complete the transcription (this can take many weeks.)
  • Courses transferred as direct matches to MT required courses will be applied to your degree/certificate
  • Courses that are not direct matches need to be evaluated by the MT department chair – complete a substitution form (described below)
  • Courses that may substitute for MT designated courses will likely not be automatically transcripted. Submit unofficial transcripts to the MT department chair and complete a substitution form (described below)

Apply PCC credit to your MT degree/certificate

  • Confirm applicability with the MT Department Chair
  • Submit a substitution form (described below)

Course substitution

  • Fill out a Course Substitution form.
  • If you are changing your degree/major place an asterisk next to your new major.
  • If you are changing your eligible catalog year place an asterisk next to your new year.
  • Substitute course numbers should be entered as they appear on your PCC transcript.
  • If the substituting course has insufficient credits to match the course it is replacing you will need to substitute additional courses.
  • Information you are not sure of can be left blank.
  • Fill out additional forms if substituting more than three courses.
  • Email the completed form(s) to the MT Department Chair (ekirchne@pcc.edu).
Last updated November 11, 2024