Level 2 Archives


    Step 1: Go to the page

    Step 2: Study the vocabulary list (translate if you don’t know the word)Step 3: Click “Begin Quiz” to practice spelling

    1. Spelling Numbers
    2. Spelling Ordinal Numbers
    3. Spelling Days
    4. Spelling Months
    5. Spelling Seasons
    6. Spelling Family 1
  2. Spelling Family 2
  3. Spelling Home 1
  4. Spelling Home 2–outdoors + appliances
  5. Spelling Home 3–furniture
  6. Spelling Body 1–main parts
  7. Spelling Body 2–more details A.
  8. Spelling Body 3–more details B.
  9. Spelling Body 4–internal parts + problems


  1. Watch this video! Listen, read, and repeat.
  2. Click here for two conversations. Click play, listen to, read and repeat the conversations.
  3. Brain POP ELL – Unit 1
    • start with Lesson 1 (Be verb and Pronouns). Movie, Vocabulary, Grammar & Grammar Summary.

    Username: esol2pcc

    Password: esol2pcc

  4. Click here for practice with “be” verb and?subject pronouns
  5. More practice with POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES
  6. Click here to practice pronunciation and order of the Alphabet
  7. Click here to practice pronunciation and spelling of numbers
  8. Practice talking about family photos: watch this video and repeat the sentences
  9. Continue studying and practicing vocabulary and grammar with?Brain POP ELL – Unit 1
    • start with Lesson 1 (Be verb and Pronouns). Movie, Vocabulary, Grammar & Grammar Summary.

    Username: esol2pcc

    Password: esol2pcc

  10. Daily Routine
    1. Click here for video and exercises
    2. On a piece of paper, write YOUR daily routine. Take a photo & send it to Fidelia.
    5. Grammar Practice
    Pronoun Possessive adjective
    1stperson singular I My
    2ndperson singular you Your
    3rdperson singular He His
    3rdperson singular She Her
    3rdperson singular It Its
    1stperson plural We Our
    2ndperson plural You Your
    3rdperson plural they Their
    ?POSSESSIVE NOUN = ‘S (after name)
    1. Fidelia’s?birthday was Friday. Her?birthday was Friday.
    2. Douglas’s birthday was Saturday.
    3. Hortencia’s birthday is February 28th.
    4. Gloria’s?country is Colombia.
    5. Douglas’s?job is driver.
    6. Assad’s?job is kickboxing coach.
    7. Rukia’s country is Somalia.
    8. Hortensia’s?daughter works in a clinic.
    9. Mariah’s?favorite season is winter.
    Pronoun (subject) Verb: to be NEGATIVE Pronoun (subject) Verb: have NEGATIVE
    I am I am not I Have I don’t have
    you are You are not you Have You don’t have
    He Is He is not He has He doesn’t have
    She Is She is not She has She doesn’t have
    It is It is not It has It doesn’t have
    We are We are not We have We don’t have
    You are You are not You Have You don’t have
    they are They are not they have They don’t have
    Be verb or Have?
    1. Mariah?has?5 brothers and sisters.
    2. Hortencia?is?from Mexico.
    3. Gloria?is from Colombia.
    4. Douglas?has?2 siblings.
    5. Assad and Douglas have?brown eyes.
    6. Fidelio?doesn’t have
    7. Rukia?has?3 kids.
    8. Douglas, Hortencia, and Gloria are?Spanish speakers.
    9. Maliha and Fidelia have hazel eyes.
    10. Assad and Gloria are from the Middle East.
    11. Assad?has 6 children.
    12. Rukia?is from Africa.
    13. Gloria and Maliha have?long hair.
    QUESTIONS: How old…?


    1. How old is he?
    2. How old is she?
    3. How old is Hortencia’s daughter?



    1. How old are their kids?
    2. How old are her children?
    3. How old are your children?
    4. How old are Rukia’s kids?
    Pronoun (subject) Verb: to be Contraction Contraction negative
    I am I’m I’m not
    you are you’re You’re not/You aren’t
    He Is he’s He’s not/He isn’t
    She Is she’s She’s not/She isn’t
    It is it’s It’s not/It isn’t
    We are we’re We’re not/We aren’t
    You are you’re You’re not/You aren’t

    Watch this lesson. Review family & study things in the house.

5. Practice Grammar:

6. Speaking Practice:? ?There is / There are

  • Watch the video and practice saying the sentences.

7. Did you finish this? Watch this lesson. Review family & study things in the house.

2. Grammar review:

6. Speaking Practice:? ?There is / There are

  • Watch the video and practice saying the sentences.

7. Did you finish this? Watch this lesson. Review family & study things in the house.


    • age
      • use be verb
        • How old are?you?
          • I am?28 years old.
        • How old is?he?
          • He is?16 years old.
        • How old is?she?
          • She is?47 years old.
        • How old are?they?
          • They are?50 years old.
  • ***Do not use ordinal numbers for age
    • He is 31styears old. >He is 31?years old.
  • ordinal numbers
    • street name1stStreet, 5thAvenue
    • grade in school—2ndgrade, 9thgrade
      • but not for Level
    • date—July 1st, October 11th, February 15th
      • but not in number form:
        • 7/1st/20?>7/1/20
        • 11/11th/20>11/11/20
        • 2/15th/20>2/15/20

There is/There are: We use to say what is in a room or place.


There is/There’s


There are

There is a cup. There are two cups.
There is a pencil. There are some pencils.
There is a book. There are many books.
There is a plate. 1.???? There are?five ????________.
There is a bowl. 2.???? There are three ????________.
There is one chair. 3.???? There are?four ????________.
There is a table. 4.???? There are?eight ????________.
There is a box. 5.???? There are?many ????________.
There is a sofa. 6.???? There are a few ????________.
There is one sink. 7.???? There are several ????________.

?Adjectives—Describe nouns

? Adjectives
describe people happy, sad, hungry, worried, tired, excited, nice, good, tall, short, thin, heavy, smart, intelligent, funny
Describe things big, small, colorful, expensive, cheap, black, red, yellow, new, old, easy, difficult
describe places hot, cold, beautiful, old, new, big, small, quiet, noisy
    1. My home is ________________.
    2. This room is ________________.
    3. My street is ________________.
    4. My spouse is ________________.
    5. My best friend is ________________.
    6. Portland is ________________.
    7. My hometown is ________________.
7. Study?adjectives:

Adjectives—Describe nouns

? Adjectives
describe people happy, sad, hungry, worried, tired, excited, nice, good, tall, short, thin, heavy, smart, intelligent, funny
Describe things big, small, colorful, expensive, cheap, black, red, yellow, new, old, easy, difficult
describe places hot, cold, beautiful, old, new, big, small, quiet, noisy

ORDER: for more than 1 adjective

? size shape age color material ?
A big round old red ceramic plate.
A big black plastic spoon.
A small white plastic fork.
A small white ceramic bowl.
A small colorful ceramic cup.
A small pointy black metal knife.
8. Study the prepositions:



·?????? in the US

·?????? in Portland

·?????? in a box

·?????? in my pocket

·?????? in a wallet

·?????? in a building

·?????? in a car

·?????? in a room




·?????? in the water

·?????? in the sea

·?????? in the river



·?????? in a row

·?????? in a line

·?????? in a queue


·?????? on the wall

·?????? on the ceiling

·?????? on the door

·?????? on the cover

·?????? on the floor

·?????? on the carpet

·?????? on the menu

·?????? on a page



·?????? I stayed on Maui



·?????? on the left

·?????? on the right

·?????? straight on


·?????? at the bus stop

·?????? at the door

·?????? at the cinema

·?????? at the end of the street/road

·?????? at the entrance

·?????? at the corner



·?????? at the top of the page

·?????? at the bottom of the page



·?????? at the back of the class

·?????? at the front of the class

·?????? at the soccer game


in on at
in a car on a bus at home
in a taxi on a train at work
in a helicopter on a plane at school
in a boat on a ship at the front
in an elevator on a bicycle, on a motorcycle at college
in the newspaper on a horse, on an elephant at the top
in the sky on the radio, on television at the bottom
in an office on the left, on the right at the mall
in the garden on the way at the store

2. Grammar review:

3. Study Verbs
4. Study Vocabulary about the Body
Homework for Week 8 (for Wednesday 5/20):
  1. Check your answers to textbook and workbook
  2. Study prepositions of time (below)
  3. Do practice for prepositions of time



  • on?for DAYS and DATES
  • at?for a PRECISE (specific) TIME
in May on Sunday at 3 o’clock
in summer on Tuesdays at 10:30am
in the summer on March 6th at noon (12pm)
in 1990 on Dec. 25th, ?2010 at dinnertime
in the 1990s on Christmas Day at bedtime
in the next century on the 4thof July at sunrise
in the Ice Age on my birthday at sunset
in the past/future on New Year’s Eve at the moment

Look at these examples:

  1. In Portland, it often rains in?December.
  2. Do you think we will go to Jupiter in?the future?
  3. There should be a lot of progress in?the next century.
  4. Do you work on?Mondays?
  5. Her birthday is on?November 20th.
  6. Where will you be on?New Year’s Day?
  7. I have a meeting at 9am.
  8. The shop closes at?midnight.
  9. Jane went home at?lunchtime.

Notice the use of the prepositions of time in?and on?in these common expressions:

in on
in the morning on Tuesday?morning
in the mornings on Saturday?mornings
in the afternoon(s) on Sunday?afternoons
in the evening(s) on Monday evening
on the weekend

Notice the use of the preposition of time at?in the following standard expressions:

Expression Example
at night The stars shine at night.
at Christmas/Easter I stay with my family at Christmas.
at the same time We finished the test at the same time.
5. Body Vocabluary
6. Verb Practice



Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past
  1. He smiles.
He is smiling. He smiled.


  1. She waves.
She is waving. She waved.


  1. I walk.
I am walking. I walked.


  1. We laugh.
We are laughing. We laughed.


  1. You cough.
You are coughing. You coughed.


Every day In the moment Yesterday, last week



SUBJECT????????????????? BE?????????????????????????????? VERB ? ? ? ? ? ??

I ????????????????????? ??????????? am

I am studying.

He/She/It ????? ??????????? is???????????????????? + ???????? -ing

She is studying.

We/You/They??????????? are

You are studying.



Ex1. ? Right now I am working?on my computer.

Ex2. ? He is backpacking?at Mt. Hood.

Ex3. ? The man is looking?at the sunset.

Statement??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Negative???????????????????? ?

I am +? -ing????? ?????? ???? We are +?-ing????????????????????????? I am NOT +? -ing????????? ???? We are NOT +? -ing

You are +? -ing???????????? You are +? -ing???????????????????????? You are NOT +? -ing??????????You are NOT +? -ing

He/she/it is +? -ing??????? They are +? -ing?????????????????????????????????? He/she/it is NOT +? -ing??????????? ??? They are NOT +? -ing


Ex. You are readinga book.?????????????????You?are ?not?reading?a book.

Question? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Short?answer

Am I +? -ing???????????????? Are we +? -ing???????????????????????????????????? Yes, I am.

No, we aren’t.

Are you +? -ing??????????????????????? Are you +? -ing? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yes, you are.

No, you aren’t.

Is he/she/it +? -ing?????? Are they +? -ing? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yes, she is.

No, they aren’t.


  1. Are?you reading?a book?? ?Yes, I am.
  2. Is?he reading?a book? ? No, he isn’t.
  3. Is?she typing?? ?Yes, she is.
  4. Are?we studying?French? ? No, we aren’t.?We are studying English!
  5. Are?they cooking?lunch?????????? ?Yes, they are.
  6. Is?it raining?today? ? No, it isn’t.


It????????????????is???????????? easy.

Subject + Verb + Adjective